Is there an easy way to change tape name when capturing? at
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Old March 27th, 2008, 03:20 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Is there an easy way to change tape name when capturing?

I'm using Vegas 7 and the problem is I like to name my captured clips something that I can figure out whats on the clip from the name: for instance at a wedding it would be Cam A pre wed; Cam A service; Cam A photshoot, etc. I like to capture clips in segments related to those events as it suits my work flo.

The only time I seem to get the option to input this info in when I first go into capture(Verify Tape Name). . . .otherwise it does of course just increase the numbers on the end of each capture. The only way I can seem to get to the Verify tape name option is to turn off and restart the camcorder. Is there an easier way to name the files before I capture them?

Mark Sudfeldt is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 28th, 2008, 01:41 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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I might be mistaken but I can't see anyway to name individual clips from the same tape on the fly.

Personally I like the way the tape capture works with Vegas as is, but that is just me. I understand what you are trying to accomplish and it would indeed be a nice option if offered for certains types of footage.
Jeff Harper is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 28th, 2008, 02:26 AM   #3
Old Boot
Join Date: Aug 2002
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As you have Media Manager, try that.

Using MM I can capture clips; audition clips; create TAGS with USEFUL names; against simple OR complex searching go on further and "group" footage in the way I want to audition and create the story. I use this all the time and am I complete devotee of this method of auditioning my work.

On a more prosaic and cold-blooded logical note, what is ON the tape is by-the-by. It is footage from TAPE1, Tape2 or TapeN. Just that. Footage from a tape. Where time effort and creativity becomes essential is an ability to AUDITION those same clips. So, Capture > Audition > Timeline.

And yes, I too used to attempt to apply descriptions to my capturing process. I've Scenealyzer and have used Vegas's Advance Capture. Now I just name the tape as Project+Camera+TapeNumber+Date(if I wish). Once these clips are captured then it is straight into MM and I do ALL my searches and collate them under TAGGED titles that NOW make sense, making sense FOR the story.

Now, the other thing with MM is that those SAME MM Libraries/TAGS are global to any ANY VEgas Project you start up.

Oh yes! Another thing is that MM allows us to "search" for WHERE a clip has been used and its association with other clips and Veggies!

Please try MM.

Graham Bernard is offline   Reply

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