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Old March 17th, 2008, 03:51 PM   #1
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V8 crashes and errors

I've been having trouble capturing and working in V8b lately. Maybe someone can shed some light on this.

Here's a screen cap (entitled "vegas audio capture gaps") from V8b showing three HDV tracks. Notice several events have straight line audio. There is audio on the tape, but it was not captured. The top two tracks were shot on HV20s set to 24P, the third track on an HC7, all captured in 60i on the HC7.

The screencap labeled "vegas capture error" shows one track with the straight line audio toward the end, and the track below with the audio captured. So the audio is there, and can be captured, just not all at once. These events were shot with an HV20 in 24P, and captured on an HV20 in HDV mode. This instance of Vegas crashed when I used the mouse wheel to zoom in.

Here are error messages associated with crashes while working on this veggie:

playing back/scrubbing through HDV events on the T/L==>

Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Version 8.0b (Build 217)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xBC020202 IP:0x20027
Thread: VideoCache ID=0xDF0 Stack=0x36EF000-0x36F0000
EAX=00020000 CS=001b EIP=00020027 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=036ef66b EBP=036ef6c4
ECX=14690000 DS=0023 ESI=036ef770 FS=003b
EDX=0003a100 ES=0023 EDI=036ef7a0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00020027: 02 90 02 02 00 BC 0B 00 ........
0002002F: 00 00 02 02 02 98 04 02 ........
Stack Dump:
036EF66B: AC065C0B
036EF66F: 6900000B
036EF673: 03A10014 039F0000 + 20014
036EF677: 6EF6A800
036EF67B: 6EF6E403
036EF67F: DD11F403
036EF683: 00000061
036EF687: 49802800
036EF68B: 00000005
036EF68F: 43F2E800
036EF693: 00081005 00030000 + 51005
036EF697: 5E746400
036EF69B: 00000030
036EF69F: 6C000000
036EF6A3: 00000030
036EF6A7: 69000000
> 036EF7B7: 33D1F800 33BB0000 + 16F800 (mcplug.dll)
> 036EF7BB: 33D2400A 33BB0000 + 17400A (mcplug.dll)
> 036EF7BF: 33D2880A 33BB0000 + 17880A (mcplug.dll)
> 036EF7C3: 33D1B00A 33BB0000 + 16B00A (mcplug.dll)
> 036EF82F: 10084702 10000000 + 84702 (sonymvd2pro_xp.dll)
> 036EF833: 3958831A 39510000 + 7831A (tranzport.dll)
036EF837: 09FDF698 09B70000 + 46F698
036EF83B: 048D35BF 04820000 + B35BF
036EF83F: 47E6B044
> 036EF863: 009AD36D 00400000 + 5AD36D (vegas80.exe)
036EF867: 60026676
036EF86B: 09BABB03 09B70000 + 3BB03
036EF86F: 25210780
036EF873: D33A2CA9
> 036EF877: 73014DC2 73000000 + 14DC2 (WINSPOOL.DRV)
> 036EF9A7: 763D1800 763B0000 + 21800 (comdlg32.dll)
> 036EF9EF: 763D1800 763B0000 + 21800 (comdlg32.dll)
> 036EFA0B: 763D1800 763B0000 + 21800 (comdlg32.dll)
> 036EFA23: 763D1800 763B0000 + 21800 (comdlg32.dll)
> 036EFA67: 00400508 00400000 + 508 (vegas80.exe)
036EFA6B: 00000080
036EFA6F: 80FF9800
036EFA73: 0000007C
036EFA77: 00000000
> 036EFAFF: 009FC008 00400000 + 5FC008 (vegas80.exe)
036EFB03: 00010000 00010000 + 0
036EFB07: 00000200
036EFB0B: 00000000
036EFB0F: 646F6300
> 036EFB1B: 7699E303 76990000 + E303 (ntshrui.dll)
> 036EFB47: 00FB6800 00400000 + BB6800 (vegas80.exe)
036EFB4B: AA000000
- - -
036EFFF0: 00000000
036EFFF4: 005995C0 00400000 + 1995C0 (vegas80.exe)
036EFFF8: 00ADC81C 00400000 + 6DC81C (vegas80.exe)
036EFFFC: 00000000

loading events onto the timeline

Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Version 8.0b (Build 217)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x0 IP:0x2303B990
In Module 'mcmpgvdec.dll' at Address 0x23000000 + 0x3B990
Thread: VideoCache ID=0xD20 Stack=0x36EE000-0x36F0000
EAX=00000001 CS=001b EIP=2303b990 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=036eeff4 EBP=036ef00c
ECX=036eefd0 DS=0023 ESI=00000010 FS=003b
EDX=7c90eb94 ES=0023 EDI=00002828 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
2303B990: 89 3B EB 95 8D B6 00 00 .;......
2303B998: 00 00 8D BF 00 00 00 00 ........
Stack Dump:
036EEFF4: 036EEF94 035F0000 + FEF94
036EEFF8: 00000014
036EEFFC: 036EEF58 035F0000 + FEF58
036EF000: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF004: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF008: 00005A00
036EF00C: 036EF09C 035F0000 + FF09C
036EF010: 2302E829 23000000 + 2E829 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
036EF014: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF018: 00000010
036EF01C: 4024ADF8 40170000 + DADF8
036EF020: 02A32130 02950000 + E2130
036EF024: 77C2C2E3 77C10000 + 1C2E3 (msvcrt.dll)
036EF028: 2540CE60 24F70000 + 49CE60
036EF02C: 036EF0F0 035F0000 + FF0F0
036EF030: 00000001
> 036EF040: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF044: 250B6FB0 24F70000 + 146FB0
> 036EF048: 231C7370 23000000 + 1C7370 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
036EF04C: 036EF060 035F0000 + FF060
036EF050: 250B6FC0 24F70000 + 146FC0
> 036EF070: 2303118E 23000000 + 3118E (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF074: 231C2B10 23000000 + 1C2B10 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF078: 231C728E 23000000 + 1C728E (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF080: 2302EA7A 23000000 + 2EA7A (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0A0: 2302D765 23000000 + 2D765 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0B8: 099004F1 098F0000 + 104F1 (mcmpgdmux.dll)
036EF0BC: 3C8CAC48 3A0C0000 + 280AC48
036EF0C0: 3C8F5C48 3A0C0000 + 2835C48
036EF0C4: 036EF154 035F0000 + FF154
036EF0C8: 3C867CC8 3A0C0000 + 27A7CC8
> 036EF0D0: 231D5018 23000000 + 1D5018 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0FC: 7C801898 7C800000 + 1898 (kernel32.dll)
> 036EF100: 09901CFE 098F0000 + 11CFE (mcmpgdmux.dll)
- - -
036EFFF0: 00000000
036EFFF4: 005995C0 00400000 + 1995C0 (vegas80.exe)
036EFFF8: 00ADC81C 00400000 + 6DC81C (vegas80.exe)
036EFFFC: 00000000

loading HDV events onto T/L

Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Version 8.0b (Build 217)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x0 IP:0x2303B990
In Module 'mcmpgvdec.dll' at Address 0x23000000 + 0x3B990
Thread: VideoCache ID=0xD20 Stack=0x36EE000-0x36F0000
EAX=00000001 CS=001b EIP=2303b990 EFLGS=00010212
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=036eeff4 EBP=036ef00c
ECX=036eefd0 DS=0023 ESI=00000010 FS=003b
EDX=7c90eb94 ES=0023 EDI=00002828 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
2303B990: 89 3B EB 95 8D B6 00 00 .;......
2303B998: 00 00 8D BF 00 00 00 00 ........
Stack Dump:
036EEFF4: 036EEF94 035F0000 + FEF94
036EEFF8: 00000014
036EEFFC: 036EEF58 035F0000 + FEF58
036EF000: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF004: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF008: 00005A00
036EF00C: 036EF09C 035F0000 + FF09C
036EF010: 2302E829 23000000 + 2E829 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
036EF014: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF018: 00000010
036EF01C: 4024ADF8 40170000 + DADF8
036EF020: 02A32130 02950000 + E2130
036EF024: 77C2C2E3 77C10000 + 1C2E3 (msvcrt.dll)
036EF028: 2540CE60 24F70000 + 49CE60
036EF02C: 036EF0F0 035F0000 + FF0F0
036EF030: 00000001
> 036EF040: 01204800 01150000 + B4800 (vegas80k.dll)
036EF044: 250B6FB0 24F70000 + 146FB0
> 036EF048: 231C7370 23000000 + 1C7370 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
036EF04C: 036EF060 035F0000 + FF060
036EF050: 250B6FC0 24F70000 + 146FC0
> 036EF070: 2303118E 23000000 + 3118E (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF074: 231C2B10 23000000 + 1C2B10 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF078: 231C728E 23000000 + 1C728E (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF080: 2302EA7A 23000000 + 2EA7A (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0A0: 2302D765 23000000 + 2D765 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0B8: 099004F1 098F0000 + 104F1 (mcmpgdmux.dll)
036EF0BC: 3C8CAC48 3A0C0000 + 280AC48
036EF0C0: 3C8F5C48 3A0C0000 + 2835C48
036EF0C4: 036EF154 035F0000 + FF154
036EF0C8: 3C867CC8 3A0C0000 + 27A7CC8
> 036EF0D0: 231D5018 23000000 + 1D5018 (mcmpgvdec.dll)
> 036EF0FC: 7C801898 7C800000 + 1898 (kernel32.dll)
> 036EF100: 09901CFE 098F0000 + 11CFE (mcmpgdmux.dll)
- - -
036EFFF0: 00000000
036EFFF4: 005995C0 00400000 + 1995C0 (vegas80.exe)
036EFFF8: 00ADC81C 00400000 + 6DC81C (vegas80.exe)
036EFFFC: 00000000

playback 17march08

Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Version 8.0b (Build 217)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xFFFFFFFF IP:0x20004
Thread: VideoCache ID=0xC00 Stack=0x375F000-0x3760000
EAX=00020000 CS=001b EIP=00020004 EFLGS=00010282
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=0375f66c EBP=0375f6c4
ECX=188c0000 DS=0023 ESI=0375f770 FS=003b
EDX=00040cb0 ES=0023 EDI=0375f7a0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00020004: 64 08 00 00 01 00 00 00 d.......
0002000C: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........
Stack Dump:
0375F66C: 0BAB065C 0BA60000 + 5065C (m2tsplug.dll)
0375F670: 188C0000 188C0000 + 0
0375F674: 00040CB0 00030000 + 10CB0
0375F678: 0375F6A8 03660000 + FF6A8
0375F67C: 0375F6E4 03660000 + FF6E4
0375F680: 08CBC205 08A80000 + 23C205 (spconsoleopt.dll)
0375F684: 00000000
0375F688: 13E6CA18 13810000 + 65CA18
0375F68C: 00000000
0375F690: 027DBE08 02610000 + 1CBE08
0375F694: 00000810
0375F698: 5008D250
0375F69C: 00000000
0375F6A0: 0573E438 05490000 + 2AE438
0375F6A4: 00000000
0375F6A8: 188C0000 188C0000 + 0
> 0375F6B8: 0BB65C32 0BA60000 + 105C32 (m2tsplug.dll)
0375F6BC: 00069DE9 00030000 + 39DE9
0375F6C4: 500D09D8
> 0375F6C8: 0BAB13EC 0BA60000 + 513EC (m2tsplug.dll)
0375F6CC: 0375F770 03660000 + FF770
0375F6D0: 01B42808 01B40000 + 2808
0375F6D4: 0A285140 0A050000 + 235140
0375F6D8: 00040CB0 00030000 + 10CB0
> 0375F6F0: 08CBC235 08A80000 + 23C235 (spconsoleopt.dll)
0375F6F4: 0375F9FC 03660000 + FF9FC
0375F6F8: 0A284E98 0A050000 + 234E98
0375F6FC: 00000000
0375F700: 00000000
> 0375F838: 755C800F 755C0000 + 800F (msctfime.ime)
> 0375F8F0: 006D02B9 00400000 + 2D02B9 (vegas80.exe)
- - -
0375FFF0: 00000000
0375FFF4: 005995C0 00400000 + 1995C0 (vegas80.exe)
0375FFF8: 00ADC81C 00400000 + 6DC81C (vegas80.exe)
0375FFFC: 00000000

Any ideas?
Attached Thumbnails
V8 crashes and errors-vegas-audio-capture-gaps.jpg   V8 crashes and errors-vegas-capture-error.jpg  

Scott Brickert is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 17th, 2008, 05:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Malvern UK
Posts: 1,931
I'd suggest a clean install.

Uninstall Vegas, and delete the Installation files folder in the Programs folder too.

Restart your PC. Now reinstall Vegas. Restart your PC.

If this doesn't solve the issue it could be a hardware issue, but it may be worth posting your Veg file here so that others can see if the same thing happens when they load it up on their computers.
Simon Wyndham is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 19th, 2008, 02:11 PM   #3
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Same Here

same thing is happening to me, I don't know what else to do. every time a open a project with HDV 60i, it crash. this happen after I re-install XP. did a driver update, re-install vegas, delete Sony's folders. still doing the same thinks. please le me know what you did to fix the problem

thank you
Please excuse me for any miss-spelling, English is my second language. www.hydreamsproductions.com
Yunisbel Marrero is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 21st, 2008, 11:02 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Yunisbel Marrero View Post
same thing is happening to me, I don't know what else to do. every time a open a project with HDV 60i, it crash. this happen after I re-install XP. did a driver update, re-install vegas, delete Sony's folders. still doing the same thinks. please le me know what you did to fix the problem

thank you
working now, for some reason vegas don't like video capture thru HDVSplit. capture the video again using vegas and is working fine

thank you
Please excuse me for any miss-spelling, English is my second language. www.hydreamsproductions.com
Yunisbel Marrero is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 2nd, 2008, 03:28 PM   #5
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Exception 0xC0000005 'mcmpgvdec.dll

Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0x0 IP:0x2303B990
In Module 'mcmpgvdec.dll' at Address 0x23000000 + 0x3B990
DSE posted elsewhere this is Main Concept component and I confirmed this elsewhere. My take is this is likely "corrupt" m2t file, corrupt loosely defined as not meeting one of the specifications of m2t. I think it is actually less related to the vegas app than the conformance issue in the given m2t.

If you were fortunate enough to be able to open and determine where on the scrub you are crashing, I'd recommednd deleting the offending timeline component(s) that crash when they are scrubbed. Then do a "save as" with temporary name. Start adding the components back and scrub over them, until you crash - hopefully you will find it and re-render/capture the bad video.

Mine crashed on open of the VEG file, but I have a habit of doing a SAVE AS [new name] once a logical block of work is completed. I just rolled back to the "un-broken" version and started up again from there. Time wasted, but not a disaster (I hope, not done yet).
Despite the comparatively less stable v8 vs v7 of Vegas, I've really grown to like this software.
James Harring is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 4th, 2008, 11:52 AM   #6
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Veg file crash followup-workaround

I hid a bunch of pre-rendered m2t transitions so when vegas opened the veg file I was able to mark them offline. File seems to be ok.

Now I can re-render them, as that'll be quickerthan going thru each one to find the one that is corrupt. These were all animated titles.

Later on, I'll try to find something that checks m2t integrity. Will post if something useful pops up.
James Harring is offline   Reply

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