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Old January 16th, 2008, 09:20 AM   #1
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Serious Vegas Problem - Help!!

Hi All,

I'm currently working on a HDV (PAL 1080/50i) project on Vegas (7.0d), but all is NOT going well :(

I've captured the footage from my Canon XHA1 (M2T files) but whenever I go to load the clips onto the timeline I get the following error after which Vegas shuts down if I click the 'ok' button:


Sony Vegas 7.0
Version 7.0d (Build 192)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x0 IP:0xAC8514D
In Module 'm2tsplug.dll' at Address 0xAC80000 + 0x514D
Thread: GUI ID=0xC78 Stack=0x12A000-0x130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=0ac8514d EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00000000 SS=0023 ESP=0012afa0 EBP=09e8cc68
ECX=0012afa8 DS=0023 ESI=0012b018 FS=003b
EDX=04711e70 ES=0023 EDI=0a11ee40 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0AC8514D: 8B 08 8B 51 44 50 FF D2 ...QDP..
0AC85155: 8B D8 8B 44 24 08 8B 08 ...D..
Stack Dump:
0012AFA0: 09E8CC68 09DC0000 + CCC68
0012AFA4: 00000000
0012AFA8: 00000000
0012AFAC: 00000001
0012AFB0: 00000000
0012AFB4: 00000006
0012AFB8: 00000000
0012AFBC: 0AC85FA2 0AC80000 + 5FA2 (m2tsplug.dll)
0012AFC0: 0012AFF8 00030000 + FAFF8
0012AFC4: 04579648 04390000 + 1E9648
0012AFC8: 00000000
0012AFCC: 09E8CC60 09DC0000 + CCC60
0012AFD0: 09E8CC68 09DC0000 + CCC68
0012AFD4: 09FD3A98 09DC0000 + 213A98
0012AFD8: 00000001
0012AFDC: 044D8328 04390000 + 148328
> 0012AFE4: 0AD1AF6C 0AC80000 + 9AF6C (m2tsplug.dll)
0012AFE8: 00000000
0012AFEC: 00000000
0012AFF0: 00000000
0012AFF4: 0000003A
> 0012B000: 00FF7CB0 00400000 + BF7CB0 (vegas70.exe)
0012B004: 00000000
> 0012B008: 00FF7CB0 00400000 + BF7CB0 (vegas70.exe)
0012B00C: 00000000
> 0012B010: 00FF2850 00400000 + BF2850 (vegas70.exe)
0012B014: 00000000
0012B018: FFFFFFFF
0012B020: 09E8CCA4 09DC0000 + CCCA4
> 0012B0EC: 0053005C 00400000 + 13005C (vegas70.exe)
- - -
0012FFF0: 00000000
0012FFF4: 00000000
0012FFF8: 009302DB 00400000 + 5302DB (vegas70.exe)
0012FFFC: 00000000


Can anyone shed any light as to what the heck is going on :(

Thanks in advance!

Sunny Dhinsey
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Old January 16th, 2008, 09:35 AM   #2
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I can't be sure your problem is related to what I've experienced, but, it sounds like it. Vegas seems to have a problem with HDV(m2t) files that have a discontinuous timecode in them. Discontinuous TC comes from the camera, many times when recording is paused, it fails to write an EOF on the clip and continues to record when the recording is restarted. This has caused Vegas to do a cold shut down on me, several times, when I tried to load the m2t file into the vegas timeline.

The fix is to run the offending m2t files thru some other program to split the clips at the TC break. I've been very successful doing this with the Cineform utility, HDLINK.

I've posted a bug report to SMS about this. Their reply indicated that nothing was wrong with their software, that it was a camera problem! sheesh! I remember back in the days of Sonic Foundry, the Madison boys were much more willing to understand and help out than now.
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Old January 16th, 2008, 09:50 AM   #3
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I've just installed the 7.0e update and it's working fine now (for the moment!)

Sunny Dhinsey
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Old January 21st, 2008, 07:54 PM   #4
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Would what used to be called 'blackening the tape' help here? That is, before using the tape, record black on it all the way through, establishing continuous timecode on the tape. Then, when you use it, stopping and starting will not result in a non-continuous timecode . . . that's the theory.
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