Clips on the timeline
Does anyone know of a possible cause and/or solution to my issue of the clips on the timeline needing to rebuild when changing the magnification (zooming in and out, etc) of the timeline? And when they do they lag and take forever. Vegas 7 seems like a distant memory, but I cannot recall ever having this issue prior to 8.
When the source files are on a slow drive or fragmented drive I know this behaviour is normal, but that is not the case here.
This issue went away during last install when I renamed the cineform .dll file. However due to other software issues I had to reinstall OS (clean hard drive zeroed out) and the problem is not going away this time.
My work drive is a raptor as is my OS drive. There is nothing on the work drive (drive with the source files) except the source files, and I reformat the drive prior to downloading video onto it so that I know it is uncluttered.
My computer is a late model one with plenty (4GB of memory). Any ideas?