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Old October 16th, 2007, 09:44 AM   #1
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Editing multiple formats in V7

Curious things happening in my little mind...

I've got footage from a 3 camera shoot, 2 A1s and one HV20. We shot the A1s in Standard Def Widescreen at 24 frames and the HV20 in Hi Def Cinemode and "24f".

The pulled footage from the HV20 reports 1080x1440 and 60i which I believe I've read is what's expected for the "24f" of the HV20. Last night I started trying to do some conversion of the HV20 footage on one machine and on a whim, on my other editor I did the following in Vegas 7:

I put the HV20's m2t files right on the timeline with the AVIs from my A1s into a NTSC Stan. Def 24p project. I edited one 6 minute song and rendered it out to Uncompressed AVI NTSC WS 24p 2-3 pulldown and then burned that AVI into a DVD project and popped some popcorn.

I don't know what I expected to see, but I can't really tell the difference other than to say that the HV20's colors are more saturated. I can't visibly see and stutters or obvious (non-color related) differences in the footage from the A1s to the HV20.

I have no problem admitting that it could be my untrained eye but I was really expecting something major. Can anyone shed any light on this? Is it possible that Vegas 7 does a fair job of this conversion or do I just not know what to look for?

I've got the 1.6G AVI on a DVD here at work today and was going to put it on putfile or YouTube to show but I fear their compression routines would introduce too much noise to make that useful.


Kevin Kimmell
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Old October 16th, 2007, 10:11 AM   #2
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When I do what you did, I notice the A1 being much sharper than the HV20. I also notice the HV20 being more saturated than the A1 and having more contrast. I am working with A1 settings to better match the HV20.
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Old October 16th, 2007, 11:20 AM   #3
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I definitely see color saturation on the HV20 but as far as I know, that could be an actual difference between the two cameras. I'll have to take a look at the original footage later to verify but I should be able to even this out by adding some saturation to the A1s as I actually think the HV20's colors look better for this particular environment.

As for clarity, I don't see any noticeable loss on the HV20. If there is loss then the original must be crystal clear because I'm looking at closeups of fingers playing guitars and singers singing and it looks pretty clear to me.

Am I safe in assuming that the AVI that is created is actually 24 frames then? If so I think I'll just lay down my master audio source on the timeline with the HV20's footage and render out the 24f AVI's from that for the final edits.

Kevin Kimmell
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