What Full-length Production Movies have been edited in Vegas at DVinfo.net
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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old October 12th, 2007, 10:13 AM   #1
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What Full-length Production Movies have been edited in Vegas

Obviously Vegas is an amazing program...but when I go to tell people who know nothing about it, I don't have good examples to "impress them"

Here's an example conversation

"What do you use to edit?"
"Sony Vegas."
"What's that? What kind of movies have been used to edit with Vegas?"
"I don't know"

Here's what I would like to say
"Dumb & Dumber, Forest Gump, Titanic...You know, something people have heard of."

If you know of any please feel free to share, TV shows, movies, documentary's etc. I'm sure there are some, but I'm not in the know!

Thanks for all the help
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Old October 12th, 2007, 01:42 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2004
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You're gonna have a hard time with finding multimillion dollar films edited with Vegas.

Barnyard Animals-posted 100% in Vegas
Craving Heart-winner of several film fests
Bred in the Bone-same story
Parts of Titanic contain multi-track mixes from Vegas, so do "Last Samurai, Hidalgo, Black Hawk Down" and many, many others. Several ESPN pieces, CNN pieces, Natl' Geo, Discovery, HBO, and other segments or productions as well. but nothing I'm aware of in the calibre of a "Titanic" has been completely edited in an app like Vegas. Why anyone would use Vegas for such a film is beyond me, it's not aimed at that market.
You can look at my credits page (outdated) and see some of the films that I've worked on. 95% of the projects listed there have been touched by Vegas somehow.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
Certified Sony Vegas Trainer
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Old October 12th, 2007, 02:44 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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You won't find (m)any feature films edited with Vegas, because it's not designed to cut FILM. Keep in mind that the majority of films are still, just that = FILM. While the negs are telecined for editing, the editing system must be able to keep track of edge numbers and keycodes for conforming the film. There are third party apps that can do that, but when you're taking the razorblade to a million dollar negative, you want to measure thrice, before you cut.
(NOTE: Not all features have their negs 'cut', but scanning still requires precise 'cutlists' for reference)

Most modern big budget features employ a LOT of different applications to get to the final product. As Douglas points out, Vegas has played some part in some major features. Avid still dominates feature film, but even those features cut on Avid will employ Smoke, Discreet, FLame, Maya, and Various other apps for different aspects of the production. (Its a HUGE task to get a feature completed, and there are many departments working on it.) Typically the sound department works on the soundtrack all by itself. (But it must seemlessly integrate with the Editor's work.)

Of course, when you start talking about Special Effects, there are 'editing applications' specifically designed for particular needs.

Just as a way of explaining who gets 'bragging rights' in post-production. Sometimes, a film will be edited on one program, and then 'finished' in an Avid suite.

Last edited by Richard Alvarez; October 12th, 2007 at 03:24 PM.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 09:28 PM   #4
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Two Little Films...

Well, these are both low budget, and our first film was genre, but here are links to our first two features, both edited in Vegas...



We're a little production company, based in San Diego, making feature films on a shoestring, but have a great cast in each film... check out the imdb pages for our cast members of both films.

And we love cutting in Vegas...
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