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Old September 29th, 2007, 02:59 PM   #1
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multicam v8

I'm just launching into my first v8 project.

Yesterday I did a 3 camera shoot, inside in a hotel conference room, with predominantly artificial light, but daylight coming in from each end.

I did manual WB at the podium but the cameras have come out with different colours :-( - which can be colour corrected, though it is a pain as the render times go through the roof!

After syncing the tracks in v8, I made a multicam track, so I can switch between cameras with ease - which I like. :-) that I have played around and found out I can match the colours, I can't seem to be get back to the track that needs correcting. I seem to only be able to cc individual takes on the multicam track, not the whole of that track. :-(

Once a mutlicam track has been made, can you get back to the separate tracks to edit them?

Did I read somewhere that this is a weakness with the v8 multicam as opposed to Excalibar?
Renton Maclachlan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 29th, 2007, 05:28 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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If you have just the three clips, I think the easiest approach would be to cc the clips in the media pool. This would then apply to all uses of those clips, no matter how you've cut it.

I've not done this with V8 multicam, but it oughta' work!
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Old September 29th, 2007, 07:10 PM   #3
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Ummmm...what's the 'media pool'?
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Old September 29th, 2007, 08:29 PM   #4
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Sorry, I'm not using the right terminology, should have said "the project media list".

This is a tab in the group with the explorer, trimmer, etc., or can be exposed by clicking on view | project media.

One of the real strengths of Vegas is that efx such as cc can be applied at many different levels, depending on the workflow you want.

Event, track, bus, project, and yes, media. Once applied at the media level, the efx will be present in every use of that media.

Right click on a clip in the timeline, pull down to media fx, apply the cc or whatever and tweak to your taste, all occurances of that clip will now have that cc applied.

Again this is right-click and select "media fx", not "video event fx".
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Old September 29th, 2007, 08:41 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Renton Maclachlan View Post
Once a mutlicam track has been made, can you get back to the separate tracks to edit them?

Did I read somewhere that this is a weakness with the v8 multicam as opposed to Excalibar?
No you cannot get back to the original tracks. As was mentioned, your only option is really to apply the color correction at the media level in the Project Media. With Excalibur and Ultimate S, you can also apply color correction at the EVENT level.
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Old September 29th, 2007, 10:37 PM   #6
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In this hint, it's being suggested that you decide on a CC value, and then copy this to the clips in the project media bin before you add them to the multicam project? (I'm assuming 'paste event attributes'). In this scenario, are you modifying the original source files? (I'm guessing yes)
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Old September 30th, 2007, 02:34 AM   #7
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Thanks guys. I found the media fx and it does what I wanted to be done.
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Old September 30th, 2007, 10:51 AM   #8
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Colin Sato View Post
In this hint, it's being suggested that you decide on a CC value, and then copy this to the clips in the project media bin before you add them to the multicam project? (I'm assuming 'paste event attributes'). In this scenario, are you modifying the original source files? (I'm guessing yes)
In many multicam shoot workflows you'd have continuous footage from each camera in one long clip per camera. It's just a little more finicky if you have multiple clips. The way to do it would be to set up a cc for cam X, then save that CC as a preset in the Media FX dialog. Then, you can work in the project media list by opening Media FX CC for a particular clip and applying eg. the "cam 2 cc" preset you'd previously saved.

Paste event attributes only works in the timeline, and only at the event level (not media level), so, it doesn't really offer any benefits working at the media level, where we want to be working so that changes apply globally to all uses of that media. This is the real power of this workflow, that you don't have to click on each event to paste event attributes.

No actual source files are modified in this approach, but, unless you manually remove/modify fx, the FX you put in at the media level will forever be associated with that media in that project. You can use the media in another project and it won't have FX applied... but, if you apply Media FX, you'll be able to see and apply all your saved FX presets across all projects on that PC.

Very powerful set of tools.
Seth Bloombaum is offline   Reply

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