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Old September 24th, 2007, 12:01 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Prince George, B.C. Canada
Posts: 10
Render Errors Vegas 7e

I am having render problems. I recently edited some footage from my canon camera. I have two short 1 hr movies I am trying to render. The first was successful but the second is giving me render errors. I am trying to render to
MainConcept MPEG2 DVD NTSC

It seems to get to different stages of the render then shut down. Sometimes re-booting the computer. I have tried taking everything out of the movie such as some sound effects and stuff but nothing seems to work. I have tried rendering it in different folders and that does not make any difference.
It seems the mcmpgaout.dll referred to in the error message might have something to do with the mainconcept codec but I could be wrong.
I have tried uninstalling the program as well as going into the registry and deleting any reference to Vegas and reinstalling the program and still get the same thing. Anyone have any suggestions.

The error message I am getting is as follows:

Sony Vegas 7.0
Version 7.0e (Build 216)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) WRITE:0xF36BD06 IP:0x240045F8
In Module 'mcmpgaout.dll' at Address 0x24000000 + 0x45F8
Thread: ProgMan ID=0xCF8 Stack=0x20AD000-0x20B0000
EAX=00000004 CS=001b EIP=240045f8 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=0e3dd048 SS=0023 ESP=020ada54 EBP=020adb2c
ECX=0e4251b0 DS=0023 ESI=0e3ea68c FS=003b
EDX=0e4251b0 ES=0023 EDI=0e4251b0 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
240045F8: 08 8B BE EC F8 00 00 31 .......1
24004600: DB 83 C4 10 85 FF 0F 8E ........
Stack Dump:
020ADA54: 0E3DD048 0E280000 + 15D048
020ADA58: 0E3E7038 0E280000 + 167038
020ADA5C: 0E3EA68C 0E280000 + 16A68C
020ADA60: 0E3E9438 0E280000 + 169438
020ADA64: 04718FE8 043F0000 + 328FE8
020ADA68: 0E3EC910 0E280000 + 16C910
020ADA6C: 02786070 02730000 + 56070
020ADA70: 01551D78 01550000 + 1D78
020ADA74: 01551D78 01550000 + 1D78
020ADA78: 00000200
020ADA7C: 04718FE8 043F0000 + 328FE8
020ADA80: 0E3EAB8C 0E280000 + 16AB8C
020ADA88: 00000003
020ADA8C: 00000002
020ADA90: 0E3EB310 0E280000 + 16B310
> 020ADAE0: 398C8167 396A0000 + 228167 (vegas70k.dll)
> 020ADAF0: 398C8183 396A0000 + 228183 (vegas70k.dll)
> 020ADB30: 240089CC 24000000 + 89CC (mcmpgaout.dll)
> 020ADB44: 33BC7B7F 33BB0000 + 17B7F (mcplug.dll)
> 020ADB50: 33BC7DB5 33BB0000 + 17DB5 (mcplug.dll)
> 020ADBB8: 00B95000 00400000 + 795000 (vegas70.exe)
020ADBBC: 00000000
020ADBC0: 96CEC555
020ADBC4: 00000000
020ADBC8: 001D9BF0 00140000 + 99BF0
> 020ADC20: 33BC35F0 33BB0000 + 135F0 (mcplug.dll)
> 020ADE28: 005600DD 00400000 + 1600DD (vegas70.exe)
> 020ADE2C: 009600D6 00400000 + 5600D6 (vegas70.exe)
> 020ADE30: 00A800FE 00400000 + 6800FE (vegas70.exe)
> 020ADE34: 009000D3 00400000 + 5000D3 (vegas70.exe)
> 020ADE38: 00AC00BA 00400000 + 6C00BA (vegas70.exe)
- - -
020AFFF0: 00000000
020AFFF4: 00519B40 00400000 + 119B40 (vegas70.exe)
020AFFF8: 00A80370 00400000 + 680370 (vegas70.exe)
020AFFFC: 00000000
Brian Munt is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 24th, 2007, 08:41 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 8,425
Brian, sounds like a nightmare...if you are going to use Architect later, you might try the DVD Architect NTSC template which is the template to use with Architect anyway...though it will likely not be the solution for your current issue.

I have had this occur and am trying to remember what the issue was...If I can remember, I will let you know immediately.
Jeff Harper is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 24th, 2007, 03:39 PM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada
Posts: 3,053
Try using better cooling in your computer and/or setting the Dynamic RAM preview to 0 and rendering threads to 1.
Jack Zhang is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 24th, 2007, 09:09 PM   #4
New Boot
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Prince George, B.C. Canada
Posts: 10
Thanks for the replys. I think my computer is running cool enough. It is running anywhere from 25 - 29 degress. I also have the side open and have a 14 inch fan blowing in on it when the temp climbs up. I will give the other suggestions a try though Jack and see if that helps at all.
Brian Munt is offline   Reply

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