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Old September 14th, 2007, 10:25 AM   #1
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Vegas 8 Project Inspector Custom Command

Download Project Inspector here

Project Inspector is a new Vegas Pro 8 Custom Command that will search for several of the common mistakes made during editing. It opens as a window that can be docked with any of the other Vegas windows. It can be set to automatically check for errors or only do manual checks. It will be turned off until the Project Inspector window is opened.

To access the Project Inspector, go to View - Extensions - Project Inspector. It will dock in the docking area and can be undocked and resized as desired. Click on Preferences to set your desired options. As you work, it will update automatically (or you can click the "Update Now" button) and show the following "possible problems":

1. Track Opacity slightly above 0% or below 100%
2. Event Opacity slightly above 0% or below 100%
3. Track Audio levels slightly above or below 0db or slightly above "off"
4. Event Audio levels slightly above or below 0db or slightly above "off"
5. Track Audio pans slightly left/right of center
6. Small video or audio events
7. Playback rates slightly above or below 100%
8. Short Fade-in/Fade-out for audio and video events (with option to ignore "quickfades")
9. Indicates if a video event is NOT on a frame boundry
10. Indicates if media is "Off-line"

The Project Inspector screen is automatically (unless that option is turned off) or manually updated. For every issue on the screen, you can double-click on the timecode and the cursor will be moved to the location of that issue. With the proper option set, you can also single-click on the issue description to be taken to the location of that issue.

If you double-click the issue, the Project Inspector will attempt to "fix" most issues. If you don't like the "fix", simply UNDO and apply your own fix.

More issues and fixes may be added in the future. Feel free to e-mail requests.

Edward Troxel
JETDV Scripts
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Old September 14th, 2007, 02:05 PM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Hampshire, UK
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You're a great guy, Edward. This is very much appreciated.

Very best regards,

Ian . . .
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