space between still frames? at
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 01:17 AM   #1
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space between still frames?

I am doing a time lapse. I have run the script making jpegs at every 6 seconds. When I drag these jpeg files onto the timeline I get 2 files then a blank, 2 files and a blank, 2 files and a blank. Can anyone explain why this is happening? Pretty tedious moving 400 files over.

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Old September 3rd, 2007, 11:33 AM   #2
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Can you give a better description of what you're doing? Maybe a step by step of what you're doing and what you want done.
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 12:45 PM   #3
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I'm trying to make a time lapse. I have taken the 40 minutes of video and ran the script "Render Image Sequence" having it save a jpeg file of a frame at six second intervals. These 392 jpegs are now in a folder. I start a new 1080i project, select the 392 jpegs and drag them to the timeline. The timeline now shows 2 jpegs next to each other, then one "open space" equivalent to 1 jpeg, then 2 jpegs next to each other, then one open, etc, etc, etc.

When I play the timeline it's like a flickering old movie.

I just want all the files next to each other when I drop them on the timeline. I don't understand why they are not.

That's the best description I can give.

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Old September 3rd, 2007, 01:29 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Potentially dumb question but have you gone through each image to confirm that every 3rd one isn't blank?

Assuming that every thing's ok, bringing these in as an image sequence would be much easier and better.

This assumes that they're all in a separate folder and that each image is "properly" sequentially numbered (i.e. image001.jpg, image002.jpg, etc.)

Do an "import media" as usual and browse to this folder.
Click on the first image in the sequence and the click the "Open still image sequence" box at the bottom of the screen.
Vegas will import all 392 images as a sequence that can be dragged to the timeline.
If you want it slowed down a bit, place the cursor at the end of the clip, hold down the Ctrl key and drag it as desired.
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Old September 3rd, 2007, 02:15 PM   #5
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Posts: 105

That worked great. There were no blank jegs, it is space in the timeline. But the Import media worked great.

Thanks Much,

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