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Old August 4th, 2007, 09:04 AM   #1
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1920x1080 From Vegas

We ran an SD tv series on Cox last spring. Cox now wants new season in HD. The three formats they accept are.

DVC PRO HD100 tape
HDCAM tape
a hard drive with the rendered file in quicktime HD100 codec

Is this even possible from Vegas. Now that I have the Cineform issue handled, I notice that particular codec is not available in windows and we only use HDV cams like the FX1 and 7...

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Old August 4th, 2007, 01:27 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Hmm technically none of those formats are 1920x1080. All of them reduce the luma sampling... you get some loss of definition/resolution and you might also pick up aliasing (crawling/business or weird bands of spurious detail; you see crawling on edges and bands of spurious detail on fine detail like certain fabrics).

Anyways some options I can think of are:
A- Get a DVCPRO HD deck ($14k?) and a HD-SDI output card (probably the Aja Xena). You can generate your masters that way, and do insert edits for minor changes. But this route is somewhat expensive and DVCPRO HD is getting long in the tooth (quality not that good).

B- Render out your project as a Quicktime file (maybe use the photoJPEG codec), and then use a Mac to convert that to DVCPRO HD.

C- Render out your project to HDV tape, and get a post facility to dub to HDCAM.

D- (No idea here.) Matrox or Avid might have some DVCPRO HD codecs that work with Quicktime??? I know apple's DVCPRO HD codec is not available on the PC side.
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Old August 4th, 2007, 06:45 PM   #3
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We appreciate the info, and wish it was easier for us to hand over an HD product. If we stay 1080 in Vegas and then render to one of the HDV templates, then render to tape back to an FX7 shouldnt that tape be far superior to SD? We have very tight shoot/produce/post time frames. When I hit render on 28:30 program in HDV...is it a monster?
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Old August 4th, 2007, 09:31 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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The HDV tape should be higher quality, assuming they don't butcher it in their HD signal path.

2- But going with the Quicktime DVCPRO HD file would be faster no? And possibly cheaper.

Buying an iMac should be cheaper than dubs+courier costs. And it should be slightly faster?
Glenn Chan is offline   Reply

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