Text/titling Issues at DVinfo.net
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Old August 1st, 2007, 01:07 PM   #1
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Text/titling Issues

Can someone inform me a simple way of how insert text (using the native titling program) as if it is being typed...meaning 1 character at a time? Whenever I try to do this, I keep getting the text shoved or adjusted to the left as each new character is entered no matter what text alignment is used (left, center, right). From what I have done so far, it seems that the only way to do this is to stack each character on the time line. Surely there is a simpler way? ANy suggestions?
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Old August 1st, 2007, 01:26 PM   #2
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Make sure the text is "left justified" on the Positioning tab. You can use Pan/Crop or Track Motion to reposition as needed.
Edward Troxel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 1st, 2007, 01:32 PM   #3
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From John Rofrano's Vegas Tips page:

How do I make Text look like its being typed on a typewriter?

The easiest way to do this is to keyframe the text media like this:

1. Insert a Text Generated Media and set up the font, size, color, etc that you want.
2. Make sure you press the Left Justify button because text is center justified by default. If the text is centered it will move as you add more letters.
3. Start by typing the first letter of the text only.
4. Now make a keyframe a little further down the timeline and type the 2nd letter.
5. Make another keyframe further down the timeline and type the 3rd letter.
6. Keep making new keyframes and typing one letter at a time until your whole message is written.
7. Finally, highlight all the keyframes and right click on one and select Hold from the popup menu for the keyframe type. This will cause the letters to instantly appear at the designated keyframe.

That’s all there is to it. Add a typing sound effect and you're all set.
Mike Kujbida is offline   Reply

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