I put together a tutorial a while back and thought it would be good to share here. Red Giant Software featured it as a user testimonial moons ago. After a site-overhaul, I've put it back online.
Click here for a basic Interview Shoot
Keep in mind, this isn't the best way to do things, this is just how I did them. The steps are listed out so as to allow you the flexibility to critique as well as modify them for your own use. I don't claim to be a pro, but this may be useful for either dissection or discussion.
The second event I'd post for consideration involved an underwater shoot, but the media appears offline at the moment...I'll track it down and post again...actually, I think the media for both is on the same drive, the video above will sometimes be there and sometimes not *sigh...but the process is the real point of the "tutorial," not the final video. And while this was put together in '04, the process is still a good one to consider...
Hope it helps someone, somewhere...