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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old January 11th, 2007, 02:01 PM   #1
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dMb Video - "Larger then Life"

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Old January 11th, 2007, 02:16 PM   #2
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That was awesome. Looks like it was a long day for you on the day of the wedding because they covered a lot of different locations. Cool edit.

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Old January 11th, 2007, 03:48 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Yeah, THAT's the dMb we all know and love! ;-)

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Old January 11th, 2007, 04:09 PM   #4
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David, great music video highlights! It looked like you had a fun energetic group of people to shoot.

Awesome piece to say the least.

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Old January 12th, 2007, 05:56 AM   #5
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Thanks guys,
I appreciate it.

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Old January 12th, 2007, 08:37 AM   #6
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impressive as usual mate,
I particularly like the old film look youve got going there with all teh grit and splotches.. it doesnt look like amagic bullet kinda thing... i recall from our last chats u use FCP??
Film reel with the video scolling is also a nice wow factor element

Its funny, i mean watching it, there is a subliminal semblence of order.. Initially its a random patchwork of clips, but also flows through the days timeline sequence... its hard to explain what im seeing here.... it actually works. i mean im seeing a random set of clips thrown together right, but al the same, im seeing another sequence telling the story of the day in order.

Dude, when i figure out how i can explain it, ill let u know, but it sure as hell works.. lol
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Old January 12th, 2007, 01:26 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
Dude, when i figure out how i can explain it, ill let u know, but it sure as hell works.. lol
Lol - when you do get it, let me know cause I still don't. I just get lost in the process. Go in one way and come out the other.

These parts of the video are a 'special feature' that is meant to be more like dessert. The main video is chronological with it's meat and potatoes. Needless to say, it's the part I enjoy the most.

Ps - I use Dv Storm on adobe premiere 6.5 on a pc. I also work with ae and ps to create a lot of what you see
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Old January 12th, 2007, 02:41 PM   #8
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Entertaining and well done. The song seemed to fit the couple. Where did you obtain the film strip from....I like that effect.
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Old January 13th, 2007, 09:23 AM   #9
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wow, i honestly thought that u were using FCP... lol

u know one time we set up win2k with a storm2 card and scored 13 tracks of DV in realtime... im surprised people still arent using this combo coz for SD, its the bees knees..

are u using stormfx, or some other form of filter work? I know storm fx has that old film look (Magicbullet misfire is similar but dead slow) and edius has now taken that film effect and is pretty much the same, but the splotchy messes arent the same as what youre using here i noticed.

what makes ur work stand out i think, is that your use of effects isnt done in a way which says ""hey, look what i can do"
The use of effects is used to drive the story along and weddings being what they are, using effects in this way can indeed change the perspective of how the story is seen
Being editors, we all say ""it shoudlnt be boring,"" but then theres the stigma "(on this board at least) that effects shouldnt be used or used sparingly if ever.. persoanlly, all my work is colour graded, and i mess with old film effects to compress time, similar to what we see here, but not as intense.

onto more general stuff, Sometimes the use of effects to emphasise a scene carries more weight for the scene itself. sometimes the scene can become secondary to the effect, as the effect is what draws us in as the scene unfolds.
and lets face it, in this game, to score clients, u have to have that wow factor. Whether it be the effect wow factor, or the cinematic wow factor or the people person wow factor. It could aso be the LACK of effects which wiws people.. however all the only way to make an impact on the client is to change the way people see wedding videos.
If they look at our stuff and noice the differences, that is a good thing and thers more potential for business. Your not being generic..
U need a hook, and producers like Elliot, Joe, Tulsa, DMB all have a hook
Look a tthe work, no matter what "style" its in, it stil lcarries each of these producer's flvour..
i think this is an incredible learning pot as so many videographers struggle and they dont understand why.
In this game, there is potential for success and to reach that, u must first determine what kind of hook you will use.
Once u have your hook, the business wil flock to you.
so for those that say business is slow, i say go out and figure out WHY business is slow and then try to determine what u can do to make yourself stand out from everyone else.
Elliot, Tulsa DMB have done it and continue to do it. theres no reason u cant either.

If u have no hook, youll never get the clients and i think many people who are struggling in the business, fail to realise that the formula for success is a mixture of the shots we take, the edits we do, the effects we use and how we piece them all together to make them FEEL RIGHT
If it FEELS RIGHT for you as an editor, the viewer will also feel right when watching it. Remember, the viewer isnt overanalysing this, they rewatchign it to see what you can do. thyere not there to pick and choose how a shot could have been improved upon, theyre there to see the work ina real environment and right here, u can see how even the most basic of shots can make an impact on an entire piece.
Its not all about glidecams and film looks and slowmotion... theres alot more to what we do, and most of it has a psychological impact on the viewer.

When u can have this sort of affect on a viewer, then u know uve nailed it..

sorry to go off on a tangent there, but this is a perfect example of how SOMETHING can be made from anything.
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Old January 14th, 2007, 06:42 PM   #10
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Thanks fior the support Peter and for putting my name in with great company.
I apprecite it. I also use a third party plug in - Email me if you like, for more nfo.

David Mathew Bonner is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 15th, 2007, 12:32 AM   #11
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check ur email bro :)
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Old January 15th, 2007, 02:08 AM   #12
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Music Credits

Hi David,

That was a nice touch, giving the Backstreet Boys credit for their work - something seldom seen in our industry (for various reasons).

Regards, Michael
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Old January 16th, 2007, 05:26 PM   #13
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You really don't give us a choice but to smile with this one..
Good job on putting a wedding to a BSboys song.. although I hope it never happens again!

I must admit however that it was kind of embarrassing to watch.. :)
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Old January 16th, 2007, 06:57 PM   #14
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I seen this couple before in a slightly different edit a few months ago, right? Only then the audio track was the 'Foo Fighters - Low'. Gotta admit I preferred the foo fighters one but that's just cos that's my style of music. This one was just as good edit wise but with cheese on
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Old January 17th, 2007, 02:19 AM   #15
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Hey Peter
I added you to msn and sent an email -

Hey Michael's, thank you.

Hey Damian, you are correct. I had edited some of this weeding before and then came back to it. The section I had posted was "low" by the foo fighters and it was the 'formal portrait section" and is on the full length DVD. This section is a special feature on the DVD and is meant to show all parts of the day. For the record, the "low" song was my choice but for this part, the bride told me the BS boys where her favorite band and I thought I could make "larger than life' work.

here is what I am working on now :)
It is the groom getting ready. Drops at the end but it is where I left of.

I am also working on this wedding, a little more easy going and
this one presented its own challenges with - well, only so much I could do.
Not as action packed but it is what it is.

I have a tendancy to shuffle projects sometimes
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