Short and sweet tips i thought i'd share! at
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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old December 18th, 2006, 08:14 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Surrey, UK
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Short and sweet tips i thought i'd share!

For all those who have replied to my threads etc on this forum and helped out in my first year of wedding videography and editing, here is my way of saying thanks:

my personal *SHORT-AND-SWEET TIPS* for wedding videographers:
(i thought i'd make them a bit out of the ordinary, and not obvious ones)

- for ease with each project, make a template 'wedding DVD' folder for your NLE, with separate bins/folders inside with your preferred lower thirds, animations, files.
- review and revise your contract monthly
- from time to time, post a demo on dvinfo for constructive criticisms (if you can bear it)
- change text around on your site to keep the google spiders active
- remain friendly with ALL working people at weddings, as they really DO recommend you
- do 'approved' leaflet drops at local posh wedding venues, u never know who will wander in and see them
- when venturing with a new project, don't be scared to do the first shoot for free, or heavily discounted, as the people involved will still buy copies and you get the experience and free recommending too!
- approach your audience in the easiest possible way by promoting yourself on bride-forums, (they are either free or very cheap to do this)
- if doing wedding fayres, remember the all important mums-of-brides, they are the ones to persuade
- review your advertising monthly/annually, and perhaps realise that expensive mag advertising is not necessarily worth it
- keep on top of your accounts (income/expenditure), by maybe having an in-tray of receipts, and invoices, where you can see them!
- be friendly and try to stay in contact with local videographers, they really DO pass on double bookings to you (thanks to two in the Surrey area for that! u know who you are!).
- take cards/leaflets to weddings
- take snacks and water to weddings
- become friendly with the wedding co-ordinator, toastmaster or bestman, to help you round up people for special messages etc
- don’t be afraid to try a completely random and seemingly difficult technique with your NLE/photoshop, coz u only get quicker and quicker each time you repeat it.
- include a 'testimonial box' in your post-wedding order forms, people do actually fill them out!
- remember that once you give a discount, some customers will KEEP testing you by asking for more and more. so be very strict, do you really want to work with those sorts of people?
- white balance, or do post colour makes SO much difference, and can really 'warm' up your footage.
- for bribing purposes, keep the iriver/giant squid attached to the groom even after the ceremony.....

okay, maybe not that last one! :)


cheers, have a great xmas!
Richard Wakefield is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 18th, 2006, 11:52 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Posts: 306
Thaks Richard,

All very simple and easily remembered tips that do genuinely work, I've learnt most of these the hard way.

Thanks for taking the time to post them.

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Old December 18th, 2006, 12:07 PM   #3
Major Player
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Location: On the NC Crystal Coast
Posts: 203
- Have a checklist of everything you need, then visually confirm the presence of each item before checking it off. (I left a camera behind once assuming it was in the case -- didn't look in the case.)
Tom T
Mac Pro, Final Cut Studio 2, CS2, Merlin, DVRigPro, VX2100s, HV30
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Old December 18th, 2006, 12:11 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Good stuff Richard. Very helpful. Sound's like you have it all going on.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old December 18th, 2006, 03:25 PM   #5
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In the bribe department:

Turn your tally light off. Not only does it make people uncomfortable, but you might catch some footage when you aren't supposed to and use it later ^_^

Never done it, but thought about it a couple of times to use as a funny segment at the end of the video.

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Old December 18th, 2006, 07:53 PM   #6
Inner Circle
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if u wanna make a real impresion on a client, when offering dancefloor highlights mix in their selection with afew oscurities...
my latest effort has "the way u move", mixed with some goa trance, mixed in with "flaunt it" mixed in with New Order's confusion (nightclub scen from Blade 1.. hehehehe
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