anyone offer video AND stills grabbed from HDV? at
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Old October 28th, 2006, 03:39 PM   #1
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anyone offer video AND stills grabbed from HDV?

I think I saw a post on this board a while back that said the footage from their HDV was so crisp that they started grabbing stills from the video and were offering pachages that included video as well as stills. I figure grabbing a still and working in Photoshop a bit then printing to good paper would work. IF this is possible I see it as a great way to make more money from weddings. Thoughts anyone?

-Don B.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 04:34 PM   #2
Still Motion
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Even IF it is possible, I cannot see this being a quality service. I think it would depend on what type of market your interested, and coule work for a lower end market. I can't see a video still, even after being massaged in photoshop, coming anywhere close to a well shot photo with a DSLR, and so I can't see the service holding up to clients who are looking for quality.
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Old October 29th, 2006, 10:32 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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i do

theyre not as shit hot as dSLR pics, simply due to the focal range and DoF as a 35mm shots, but they have salvaged many a presentation and are a great sweetener for any dealI also get many clients who are not happy with their photogs pics, so they end up making an album with the pics we provide

the shots are NO WHERE near as good as dSLR... no matter wither its HDV or DV.. .. lets face it.. todays HDV cameras just dont have the shallow DoF... and the only real way to get DoF is to zoom all the way in and make sure ur shot is pinsharp.
Also shooting in progressive scan with a faster shutter than 1/125 is essential for clean stills. for video in low light, this shutter speed is jsut too high to allow enough light in without your onbaords hitting 75w ..

As a "photo video " package i would recomend against it, but as an additional element to a video package, why not. Its extra content, and makes for great marketing material
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Old October 29th, 2006, 10:41 AM   #4
Still Motion
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Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
As a "photo video " package i would recomend against it, but as an additional element to a video package, why not. Its extra content, and makes for great marketing material
Why not? I wouldn't want to offer something I felt was subpar just because it might make my packages look better. I feel that everything you offer will reflect upon your overall image and reputation, so if it isn't something your proud of, I personally wouldn't offer it, but that's just my opinion.
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Old October 30th, 2006, 12:11 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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I agree Pat, but withth e feedback i get with the pics i send "to update' my clients on progress, and the final comments and feedback i get, its worthwhile for me.

"Not a problem, I look forward to seeing you at the same time on Monday.

We LOVE the stills, they are fantastic!

See you Monday and enjoy your weekend. "

AND aother one

"They are beautiful! Wow! So im guessing will need to buy some more albums?"

Thats just 2 responses.. and for me, when clients respond this way,i feel that its worth it for them, as well as for me, as it can be treeated as an additional "bonus" for having to wait so long. Ive had afew clients do backflips on their attitude towards delivery when they hear theyre getting about 400 photos on top of their video so it also serves well as a "pacifier" LOL
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Old October 30th, 2006, 10:13 AM   #6
Inner Circle
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Uh, I constantly pull stills from the video, (thanks Vegas, I love you) and put them in a folder. I use these for various things, including my disk covers. So yes, I give these stills to my client on it's own disk. Unlike our photog counterparts, we can go frame by frame by frame and get that funny face look etc. I agree with Peter, it's a good marketing strat. I make sure my client knows these pictures were screen grabs.
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Old October 30th, 2006, 11:30 AM   #7
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Thanks for the input guys. I do understand the limitations of HDV. I think I'll end up using stills as Peter suggested... as "something extra". Thanks again.

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