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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old October 15th, 2006, 09:13 AM   #1
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need Help to decide

I already own a pd170 and was now looking for a second cam. My thoughts was on a sony fx1 though I would like to know why the sony z1 is more expensive. I was also thinking of buying the sennheiser G2 ew 100 lav microphones. The next peice of kit is a vinton pro 6 tripod.

I was wondering if this is the best bang for the money or is there better gear for the same money, or if there is anything else I should add to this list. All come to £3400 uk.
Robert Johnston is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 15th, 2006, 12:04 PM   #2
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The sennhesier mcirophones are a great choice. We use them along with irivers for both ceremony and reception.

Sound quality is consistent, the menu and lcd screen are easy to navigate.

If you have any specific questions please ask.
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Old October 15th, 2006, 02:44 PM   #3
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Much the same as the PD170 and the VX2100-same basic camera but the PD series has more features (and some that are easier to get to and use) than the 2100 therefore more money.
The same can be said of the FX1/Z1.

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Old October 15th, 2006, 03:56 PM   #4
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Primary Benefits of Z1 over FX1 are the multiple format capabilities, ie., 50i, 60i, with NTSC and PAL, in SD. Also has black stretch features, XLR mic input, and many other additional features. FX1e is PAL only, FX1 in US is NTSC only....

Now V1E has form factor close to the VX/PDs, so you may want to look at that too...
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old October 16th, 2006, 02:34 AM   #5
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Thanks Dan & George for the help. To Chris, I like the V1E too but it is £800 more and that means two months more of saving. Is it worth it, that is what I want to know. I have not seen any reviews yet but will hold out till next january to see what others say about it. Is anybody in this forum thinking of getting one.

I hope I am not being a pest asking these questions. I serf here everyday just to see what you guys and girls are talking about. I think the advice given is most excellent. Keep up the good, work Im learning loads.
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Old October 18th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #6
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Sony FX1

Hi Robert

I have a sony z1 and have just bought an fx1 as second camera. I previously owned a pd150. they are both great cameras but the z1 has more pro features as previously mentioned.

I have looked at the specs for the v1 and see that the minimum illumination is 7 lux. If this is the case then it will need good lighting and would perform poorly in dimly lit environments such as a wedding reception. The z1 comes in at 3 lux.

The sennheiser mics are great because you can use different mics with the receiver. For instance I use the tie clip mic during the vows and then during the speeches I use the handheld 135 mic which is more practical.

The fx1 and sennheiser tie clip mic system should cost less than £2500. Dont know about a price for that paticular tripod.

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Old October 20th, 2006, 02:43 AM   #7
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small world

Wow, off topic but although I've lived in England for a couple of years now, I am from Northern Ireland and I am amazed that there are two others, that would be yous Gary and Robert lol. Practially every board I've been on about various topics have never had anyone else from Northern Ireland, felt like I was on a desert island! Anyway, that was it lol. Whatever amuses the innocent eh?
Actually, I was planning to get the Sennheisers myself but after recently hiring out the Sony C1 system (smaller than I expected!) and finding it nice, reliable and easy to use I am on the fence a bit. The Sony didn't seem to have a backlight on the LCD screen which looks a bit like a cheap digital watch hard to see at an angle, but then again I only ever looked at it to set the frequency and once or twice during the ceremony just to make sure (even tho I could here the audio through the headphones! was paranoid about the sound). Mind you, the Senns are cheaper so it may come down to that in the end. Like a lot of things :(
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Old October 20th, 2006, 03:30 AM   #8
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Thanks Damian and Gary, I'm from larne, where you from. To gary For £2500 I would like to know where you shop. This is the price from proactive in England £2780 there abouts. The web address for the fx1 is:

HDR Fx1 £2226.63

and for the senns:

EW 100 ENG G2 £552.25
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Old October 20th, 2006, 04:11 AM   #9
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Hi Robert (and Damian)

I'm in Banbridge Co. Down. I got the fx1e from a place called www.provision- They are selling the fx1e at the moment for £2095 inc vat. Ask for Jeremy he is the guy who wrote the wedding article on the website.

About the senns I was talking about the EW112P tie clip system. Some places are charging from £350 to over £400 for these. I bought them from a place called digital village I think. I paid £320 inc v.a.t. and delivery to Northern Ireland which I thought was a good price.

The senn 135 handheld mic i bought separately from Jeremy at provision. dv247 were cheaper but he matched their price for me.

I bought my z1e from a place called hprestons They also do some good deals from time to time.

Hope this is some help to you.

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Old October 20th, 2006, 05:05 AM   #10
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Sennheiser mic

I have just looked at the dv247 site and see that the senn ew112p g2 mic is currently £399. I bought mine early summer this year and I have checked my receipt and I paid £323 inc vat and delivery.

Looks like I got a bargain. Happy days!!!

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Old October 20th, 2006, 05:47 AM   #11
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another Irish man here guys - from Dublin!! its not all yanks!!
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Old October 20th, 2006, 09:43 AM   #12
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I'm originally from Belfast but moved to England a few years ago and got married (we all get caught in the net eventually lol).
I got my FX1 second-hand, but if your thinking of getting one in the UK, I see there is a site called that is selling them for £1,992.95 with an extended 18 month warranty and also for £1,997.49
I can't vouch for the first one as I've never purchased from them myself but they seem sound enough.
As for the Vinten Pro 6, Mmmmmm I wish...I thought I was spending a lot when I got the Manfrotto 503/525 kit but there are things that niggle me about it. I'm only a beginner but I don't think I've seen a bad word about the Vinten. Funny enough, I had the chance to nick one from Visual Impact, the place i got my FX1. It was a unit in an industrial estate and I just walked in the door and shouted hello. I had a previous appointment but no-one was about, I looked in a few rooms full of equipment, lights, grip, a few Z1's and a few Vinten tripods all set up...I walked past it all further into the building to find them having coffee in an office oblivious. It wasn't until after that on the way home the thought crossed my mind lol. Lucky for them I'm a bit simple and honest! Nice guys though. Sorry wayyy off topic...laters ;)
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Old October 20th, 2006, 11:27 AM   #13
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Hi guys

Damian those look like good prices but I seem to remember reading a few negative reports on purelygadgets. Can't remember where I saw them but it was online somewhere.

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Old October 20th, 2006, 01:30 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Gary Mckinstry
....a place called They are selling the fx1e at the moment for £2095 inc vat. Ask for Jeremy he is the guy who wrote the wedding article on the website....
In there, he says, regarding wedding videography " this very lucrative industry....."

I think, despite the geography, he must live on a different planet from us.

[ Methinks, actually, he is just trying to sell more gear. OKOK. Cynic? Me? :D ]
Martin at HeadSpin HD on Blu-ray
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Old October 20th, 2006, 02:05 PM   #15
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Thanks everyone for that, I'm not alone anymore. Ok back to supject I wouldent buy from h Prestons ever again. I bought a sony 170p and a sennheiser mke 300 (and I know it only has a 3.5 jack and doesent fit the xlr's of the sony pd170) I dident know that when I bought the mic. I got around this by useing xlr connecters and it seemed to work. Not for long though so I sent it back and needless to say 4 months later after much emailing which they never replied to and much phoning they sent it back (they say a new one) only it don't work either. So I gave it in at the electronics store in belfast and it cost me £28 to get it fixed. It now works perfectly again. I was polite and patent and it still took 4 months and no result. H preston customer service rating is nil when anything goes wrong with it. Gary I only hope your camera and my sony 170 dont ever need repaired within its warrenty.

What do you do with your cameras folks (weddings,hobbie part time full time exceptra) Im going to start and use mine for weddings. I am thinking of Buying the Z1 in the new year, it has more going for it than the fx1.

Was going to go with the vinton pro 6 put bought a miller 1511 solo ds10 instead.
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