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Old September 25th, 2006, 10:40 PM   #16
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To everyone, thanks for your input!

I see it's nearly unanimous that the vintage segments need elimated or re-worked. I really like them myself, and I really think the bride will too. I do agree, however, that the footage was just too jarring, and have since made several changes to them. I used smoother clips and applied a bit, tiny bit, of slow motion to them. I also lost the jitter and scratch filters. I have to admit that I like it much better now! Thanks to all for your vintage suggestions.

All also made a few other aesthetic changes, and I think they were all improvements. Please check back whhen I get the new, updated clips uploaded and let me know what you think, hopefully tomorrow morning.

Let me explain, if I can, my creative choices behind the vintage segments. First, the theme of the wedding was elegant vintage. I talked to the bride before the wedding about clips I've seen of what looks like old super-8 like footage, and she was excited, so I wanted to integrate that somehow if it worked well. While storyboarding, I thought since the highlights is about the wedding day, then anything before the current moment might be a good candidate for the vintage effect... things in the past (even though that 'past' might only be a few hours). So, I opened with a vintage segment of the rehearsal because it was the day before, and it set the tone for the video... vintage. Everything else was left normal because I was documenting what happened through the afternoon. When I got to the first dance, I was going for a feeling of reminiscing from the bride, hence the 'flashbacks' of the day being in the vintage style. That's also why I didn't drop in any clips from the reception that happened after the first dance.

I think the advice I have received was thought out and professional, and I appreciate the time you all put into the reviews. My creative process might need a lot more work I see. But, if it couldn't be improved, then I have nowhere to go but downhill ;-)

I will show the bride this video tomorrow, so I'll let you know what she thought.

Please check back and see if the changes I made helped in your opinions.

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Old September 26th, 2006, 06:46 AM   #17
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Hey Dan,

It takes a strong person to put up their work on the chopping board like you did. I've found the comments that help me out the most are the ones that are the most constructive and not just pats on the back. I think there's alot of potential and I look forward to seeing you progressing.

Chris Watson
Watson Videography
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Old September 26th, 2006, 12:35 PM   #18
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Ok, I have uploaded new clips with the changes I've made. I appreciate the time you have already spent, and I certainly don't expect you to come watch it again. But, if you do, please let me know if you think it was an improvement. To those of you that didn't like the vintage clips period, you probably still won't like it :-)

The changes I made were mostly to the vintage segments. I slowed the clips down slightly, smoothed them out, and scrapped the jitter and scratches filters. I think it definitely made an improvement. Thanks for all the advice! I also made a couple of small changes here and there, mostly to the timing, but I did replace one of the first dance clips.

The h.264 and the WMV versions have been updated, but I left the smaller mpeg4 version alone to have an old version to compare to. Here are the links again:




Thanks again, and I hope to have another one very soon to post for critique.

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Old September 26th, 2006, 08:54 PM   #19
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She loved it!

Sorry my posts keep bumping this!

I just wanted to post an update. Before today, the bride kept expressing over and over again how excited she was to see the video, and I was worried it would be like Batman... over-hyped and ultimately disappointing. But not so, she was very excited and nearly started crying, as well as the groom. It received glowing praise from both of them, adding that it was far beyond their expectations.

That was so nice to hear! No matter how happy or unhappy anyone else is, including me, it's wonderful that they are happy! She said she has 2 soon-to-be brides that are looking forward to seeing her highlights before deciding to call me. Very cool!

Thanks for all the advice that helped make it even better,
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Old September 27th, 2006, 05:49 AM   #20
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Which did she love more? (obviously, she loved them both) :)
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Old September 27th, 2006, 06:20 AM   #21
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The bride actually liked the jittery one better, much better, but she loved the smoother version very much too and the groom was mixed.

I think they will actually go with the 2nd smoother version, but ask me to add some jitter and the scraches back in.

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Old September 27th, 2006, 10:15 AM   #22
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Hi Dan,

I was wondering how often you go back-and-forth with the client regarding creative decisions such as this. It's something that I try to avoid at all cost because once they become the "director", it seems like it would be a slippery slope down many hours of additional changes.

Great job on the vid. It's always good to hear positive feedback from the clients. Congrats.
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Old September 27th, 2006, 11:00 AM   #23
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Well, it was likely a mistake on my part. I shouldn't have offered both versions, but since this is my first wedding completely on my own, I really wanted to make her happy. Normally, for the clients with the wedding guy I work for, they get what I do without options to change creative decision. Plus, for this video, I didn't offer any changes other than the vintage segment options. I even told her that normally I wouldn't offer two options, but since this was such a personal choice on what she might like better, I wanted to see what she thought.

Anyone else that I didn't know as well it would be pretty scary offering changes, but with Ellen, I'm not worried at all. And if by chance it would turn into a nightmare, I will have learned and grown through the experience.

So, it all works out in the end (hopefully :-)

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Old September 27th, 2006, 02:27 PM   #24
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Hi Dan,

Thanks for posting. You did a good job! and I appreciate that you posted for constructive feedback and also take criticism gracefully ;)

I've only watched your updated version and if I hadn't read the posts here beforehand, I wouldn't have known that you were going for a vintage effect. So you may want to dirty up the footage a bit (not too much) with scratches and a little blur.

Also, I agree with someone else's post when they found the color change from B&W to color a little abrupt (during the reception, it is black and white and seemingly randomly switches to color).

But you have good composition and had a lot of great shots. They looked like a very happy and godly couple.

I liked the voiceover of Evan's mom(?) about how she was praying for Evan from when he was young. I bet that was a tearjerker with the couple ;)

Keep up the good work!

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Old September 28th, 2006, 05:29 PM   #25
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Hey Peter,

Thanks for your comments! Sometimes it's hard to hear criticism, but it's equally hard to give criticism. I know when people ask me to critique something, I cringe a bit wondering how negative comments will be taken. But, if given with professionalism and respect from those more experienced than you, they are priceless.

Thanks for the compliments. They are a wonderful couple, very in love, with God at the center. It was a great experience. Yes, the mom's toast was a tearjerker... they loved it.

For the record, and at the request of the bride, I did add the scratches back in and it turned out very nice. Definitely looks more vintage, yet without the jerkiness that was distracting. Thanks everyone for the tips!

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Old September 28th, 2006, 07:02 PM   #26
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Just deleted your file. Thanks for letting all view your work.
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Old October 4th, 2006, 05:14 AM   #27
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repost videos?

Hi Dan, I wanted to look at your work. Can you upload your videos again?

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Old October 4th, 2006, 02:50 PM   #28
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Hey Janice,

Here are two urls for you to view the video. The first is a Quicktime, but requires version 7 because it's h.264. The second is flash, so requires only a flash player, but is of lesser quality and sometimes works hard to maintain 30fps.

Quicktime: http://www.inspirednaturally.com/evanandellen/ee.mov

Flash: http://www.inspirednaturally.com/eva...deoplayer.html

I look forward to hearing your feedback!

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