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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old September 12th, 2006, 01:57 PM   #1
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Always up for some criticism...

Hey folks...

Put up some new clips on my site... share your thoughts, suggestions, comments, yada yada yada...

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Old September 14th, 2006, 06:17 PM   #2
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What happenened to everyone being a critic? Now no one is?

Well Albert, I went and looked at your footage the other and enjoyed it.

However... I thought that the JAM dancers footage would have been far better if you'd have been able to get a copy of the music on CD and bring it in separate to your NLE. The sync might be off a little but I think the audio improvement would make it worthwhile. I learned this from a wedding I just shot where I got a copy of the music used from the DJ, and it's 1000% better than the stuff that I got from the mic. It really makes a HUGE difference.

The wide shot, then zoom, then pull, then pan wasn't working for me. I expect they had a really low budget (no second cam for cut aways), but I think front row, stage right or there abouts would have probably better served the finished product, where a really wide shot would just fit everyone in. I've shot a lot of stage music from both angles and I've just found that you just are so limited to shots selection from the back. Every zoom or pull takes too long, and unless you really the choreography well, you could miss a key move while zoomed in on a non-key dancer. It also would be fun to run and gun in front of the stage (though not nearly as safe).

Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Hope it's not too critical.

I liked the 21st birthday party stuff. Did someone really pay you to do that? That's a pretty good gig.
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Old September 15th, 2006, 01:15 PM   #3
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Was the church clip the actual opening scenes you used for the wedding movie?
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Old September 18th, 2006, 08:06 AM   #4
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Thanks for waking up the thread ;)

I thought about getting the music and syncing it to the video... however I thought that would detract from the 'live' feel of the event especially during the times of the cheers and applause which occur throughout the event.

My location, up on the balcony dead center, was the location I was told to use as previous prod companies they used shot from there. The budget also didn't call for a 2nd camera so I was limited to that location so I can cover the whole thing properly; at the expense of some extensive zooms and pans.

I always feel something could've been better in anything I shoot and edit but there's no limit to that... Ultimately, they loved the final product which is all that really counts. I would have loved a cam up in the back and me run and gun up front as thats more of my style (being right inside the action) as you can see in the 21st b'day clips.

Speaking of which - the 21st party... awesome gig... and yep it was a paid gig. :)

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Old September 18th, 2006, 08:20 AM   #5
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Hey Bob,

The wanted me to capture the beauty and feeling the church creates... I told them I could turn it into a music video... they were afraid it would not capture the emotion or mood... They loved it.. the slow mo, b&w shots, flash transitions ,etc retained the feeling they were looking for.

The clip was then used in the intro to their video.

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Old September 18th, 2006, 07:39 PM   #6
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Just a note: you could be isolating yourself to PC only customers... windows doesnt have windows media player support for osx anymore. On the other hand, windows absolutely supports quicktime, and by using quicktime, you'll be able to show both groups.

Overall the site looked well made, a little bare, but again, I was unable to view any of your clips , so that could be something that really brings some snap to the site.

I'm in process of developing my site, its my own opinion, but for a creative services business, a website should be as eye catching and memorable as possible
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Old September 18th, 2006, 10:45 PM   #7
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Thanks for the input. Being a PC person I tend to overlook going to .mov but you're right about that.

And by the looks of things, the Macs are steadily gaining popularity again in recent years.

I guess the neutral point here would be to drop flash based video onto the page so anyone can view it with any computer period.

The site.. yeah its probably a bit boring... but its to the point. Safe, you can say... now maybe, just maybe for 2007... If my Flash skills and time allow, perhaps I'll add a bit more 'life' into the site. We'll see :)

Thanks for the tips!
Albert Baier is offline   Reply

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