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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old September 20th, 2006, 05:08 AM   #31
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Glasgow/Scotland
Posts: 626
Never answered the question on what is the XL1 16:9 footage like. To be honest, I'm not that impressed with it. As others mentioned it's native chip size os 4:3 so it's electronically achieving it which looses quality. Probably explains why I prefer the footage I get from my GS400 "family cam".

Gues that me talkingmyself BACK into needing a new camcorder.
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Old September 20th, 2006, 11:29 AM   #32
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Saint Cloud, Florida
Posts: 1,043
Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick
Maybe where you are Marco, but here in Europe your theory doesn't hold up. Prices - in real terms - don't drop, and the VX2000, VX2100, FX1, FX7 etc have all remained at the same price point for years.

Even at the end of the production run prices remain high for the simple reason these (and other lines) are very good, reliable, competent cameras. There's been simply no need to drop the street price.

The point about moving to an HDV camera now is to take advantage of the second hand value of your current SD camcorder, to get you using 16:9 chips, and in the case of the FX1 vs the VX2100, say, to give you the far better ergonomics of a more modern camera and the option to shoot your master tapes in HiDef. And all for no more money. What's not to like?


Yes I have to totally agree with the your statement about Europe, but that is there. Here in the U.S., prehistoric era still, people are lazy and reluctant to trash their 32" 4:3 TV just to watch 10 extra channels in HD at another $5 -$10 a month. Now I am more than happy to and have upgraded to HDTV and service, but as for the millions upon millions here in the states, pffft!
Also, the VX2100 has dropped by a third of the cost in under 2 years. In another year I don't see the VX2100 above $1800. I got my for $1750 with less than 15 hours on it. I could be wrong, but as newer better cams come out at that cost, why would they keep the old camera in the same price range?
Marco Wagner is offline   Reply

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