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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 07:05 AM   #1
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Wireless Communication Systems

Hi gang,

I know this has been talked about before, but I couldn't find the thread while searching for it.

Basically, I am looking for a relatively cheep (few hundred bucks), but clean and clear wireless communication system that I can use with my assistant on wedding and event shoots.

We have been trying to use the Motorola SX700R 2-Way Radios with some headsets, but have found that the reception halls are too noisy for them to be used properly, plus there is a delay from when you start talking to when the radio "picks up" (they are a voice activated system).

Anyone have any good suggestions?

Ryan DesRoches is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 22nd, 2006, 08:26 AM   #2
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Hey Ryan, I've also been looking around and found two http://eartec.com/td902_video.html which is supposed to be nice. But my only issue with this design is those cheap headsets. You can upgrade to a covered ear model but you then add like 200 dollars to the price. It's apparent I wasn't included in their test markeing for the headset or I would have asked them 'are you crazy, this doesn't cancel any noise.'

I can't find the other one at the moment, it's by a different manufacture, but suffers the same issue imo, is that the headset does not cover the ear, so you would suffer the ambient death.

I personally think that the eartech is over priced considering that the head phones can't be that good at loud situations.

But after a couple of months of searching, this is what I've been able to come up with.
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Steven Davis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 22nd, 2006, 08:45 AM   #3
Still Motion
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The eartec's are the way to go for overall value and quality of communication. I dont think there is anything in a lower starting price that will compare to these. You do have impaired operation with the standard kit in a very loud reception area, but at that point, do you actually need full communication? I'm not sure what your receptions are like, but for us, these units have worked perfectly (the eartecs linked to above) and whenever it gets too noisy has always been a time when we need full communication.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 09:11 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Patrick Moreau
The eartec's are the way to go for overall value and quality of communication. I dont think there is anything in a lower starting price that will compare to these. You do have impaired operation with the standard kit in a very loud reception area, but at that point, do you actually need full communication? I'm not sure what your receptions are like, but for us, these units have worked perfectly (the eartecs linked to above) and whenever it gets too noisy has always been a time when we need full communication.

Hey Patrick,

One solution that I was thinking about is, putting my over the ear headphones over top of the little ones from Eartec on for audio monitoring? I know that sounds silly, but have you tried this?
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 09:51 AM   #5
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It would probably work without a problem. You could also pick up a cheap set of ear protectors that have the huge cups at a hardware store. If you could get them in black, it would be a nice fit. The one thing to be careful of with that is that you can forget that your talking out loud and perhaps say the wrong thing or speak too loudly at the wrong time because of the headset. I've done that with the normal eartec setup and I think it would be even worse if you couldnt hear anything around you.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 10:19 AM   #6
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Those eartecs look good, has anyone personally used them? Any issues besides the cheep earplugs? (I plan on wearing my big headphones over them anyways - so smaller is probibly better).

As long as it offers clear communication though (so I can understand my assistent and get through to them) then I think I'll get it.

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Old August 22nd, 2006, 10:38 AM   #7
Still Motion
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Sorry if I didn't make it clear enough in my above posts. We use the eartecs weekly and they work very good. Some slight interference if your in a very large church and completely spread apart but otherwise it is very clean and works very well and in most cases a very soft whisper is easy to pick up.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 11:04 AM   #8
Inner Circle
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Hey Patrick,

Would you be willing to test something for me? I'm wondering if I order the radios and purchase a local set of headset/with a mic tha cover the ear, that might be my solution.

Do you know if the plug off, let's say, your gaming headphones/mic will work on that radio. I contacted Eartec and they said that it should, but they haven't tested anything other than thier own headphones.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 12:25 PM   #9
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The Eartecs ROCK!!!!

My partner bought these units last year for us to use....now, we never want to shoot without them.
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 08:34 AM   #10
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Thanks guys for the advice/info. I think I'll be spending some money on these soon (well before my next 2 camera shoot!)

Ryan DesRoches is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 23rd, 2006, 04:01 PM   #11
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Ryan DesRoches
Thanks guys for the advice/info. I think I'll be spending some money on these soon (well before my next 2 camera shoot!)


Hey Ryan, if you buy and use them before October, could you report your experiences?
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
Steven Davis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 23rd, 2006, 09:50 PM   #12
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I bought the eartec radios in the spring and have used them for all the weddings that my company has shot this year. I think they are one of the best investments I have made.

I wouldn't worry about the headsets that are included. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. They are lighter, cooler, you can hear what is happening around you (i think this is pretty important for shooting events), and you can hear you partner even in a loud reception (you may have to crank the volume up on the bodypack).
Matt Trubac
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Old August 24th, 2006, 12:16 PM   #13
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I just bought the 902 Videographers Special (not sure if the Monarch headset is push to talk or continious talk or both - I'm hoping both or continuois!). If the Monarch headset is not what I want - I plan on returning it and just get the standard 902 kit. Eartecs website leaves a little bit to be desired as far as info on the headsets . . .

I don't need the set until later in October (my next 2 camera wedding) - but I also needed a monopod from B+H so I decided to take the plunge and get this too . . .

I'll let you know how I like it!

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Old August 24th, 2006, 12:31 PM   #14
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the monarch headset in the videographer special pack has a switch on the right ear phone. It can either be set so that you hear the radio in both ears or so that you hear the radio on the left and can monitor your camera with your right ear. I have one and it works well. The radios themself have a talk button. You Press it and you are in talk mode. You can leave it in talk mode and it is just like being on the phone. Press the talk button again and you go into standby where you can hear calls over the radio but you are not transmitting.

To hear your camera audio on the monarch there is a second cable that runs from your cameras headphone out to a jack on the right ear piece.
Matt Trubac
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Old August 24th, 2006, 10:22 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Steven Davis
Hey Ryan, I've also been looking around and found two http://eartec.com/td902_video.html which is supposed to be nice. But my only issue with this design is those cheap headsets. You can upgrade to a covered ear model but you then add like 200 dollars to the price. It's apparent I wasn't included in their test markeing for the headset or I would have asked them 'are you crazy, this doesn't cancel any noise.'

I can't find the other one at the moment, it's by a different manufacture, but suffers the same issue imo, is that the headset does not cover the ear, so you would suffer the ambient death.

I personally think that the eartech is over priced considering that the head phones can't be that good at loud situations.

But after a couple of months of searching, this is what I've been able to come up with.

hello steven,

i have that set. (eartec) and have to say that the lightweight headsets are very comfortable over 3-4 hours, don't know about other headsets, which cover the ears over such a long time.

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