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Old June 12th, 2006, 03:53 PM   #1
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Short video to drum up sales

I managed to put together this little ditty in about three hours to try to get students to buy their graduation video from a photographer.
Go ahead guys, give me your thoughts while keeping in mind it was a three hour edit from about 14 hours of source material.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 05:23 PM   #2
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Well for 3 hours of editing you did pretty good considering all the effects you used. I think they were a little over used and there seemed to be drastic dropped frames in some parts if it was a effect you were trying to do it didn't look right. Hard call to speak for students if the majority will like this or not. One thing is when I work with teenagers doing quinceaneras they really enjoy seeing themselves, in your clip you used it was hard to see more than a few up there for 5 secs, I know the style doesn't allow that. I say put it out there and learn from your experience. Still, good job over all for 3 hrs.
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Old June 12th, 2006, 08:01 PM   #3
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I personally didn't like the selection of the music nor effects, the whole video had an 80's feel for me.
Since this is about the class of 2006, I would have put one of today’s current hit music, something to reflects this years current trend.

Overall, it was a bit boring and not much exciting to watch (or purchase if I were a student), since the video you presented only shows people seating, walking down the hall and a formal dance.
However, I don't know what type of footage you got to work with, but if you have some special events that occur at the school I would have at least put a couple shots of those.(maybe a football game, rally etc...)

the 3 hour edit was good, but the style didn't seem to work for me.

Just my 2 cents
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Old June 13th, 2006, 05:58 AM   #4
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It's been quite a while since I was in high school, so please excuse me for being a bit dense here & out of touch with current fads.

By "graduation video" do you mean pretty much a documentary style video of the class marching in, various speakers & presentations, then each student walking across the stage to pick up a diploma? Or, is it sort of a yearbook of video clips covering a variety of events & just candid shots made throughout the Senior classes' high school years?

If this is for a grad day video, I don't get the connection -- or the selling point. If it's to pitch a video yearbook sort of thing, then I understand the variety of shots you chose. But, as David wrote above, it should also include some sports clips, if you have any.

If this is supposed to sell something, it seems to me you at least need a still at the end with something like: "Order Your High School Memories Video from GraphFix Studio Now! Call 555-555-5555"
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Old June 13th, 2006, 07:38 AM   #5
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You guys are right. The one thing I was asked to accomplish was not to show many faces so kids would not just download this and skip the purchase. The music I would have picked some Hip Hop instead but... You know how it is when is not your video.
The end product will be small clips of pretty much through out the school year, including classrooms, sports, etc. and ending with the grad ceremony.
The idea is to make sure that every senior (about 200) is in the video at least twice. Somewhat of a documentary without making it obvious that it is by adding soundtracks and effects based on student input whom I am to meet in the next day or two.
As I said, is just a promo meant to be fast and furious but I really appreciate your comments.
Enrique Galvis is offline   Reply

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