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Old May 31st, 2006, 12:18 PM   #1
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Wedding Videographers with DVX100

Id like to ask everyone who does wedding videos with DVX's what second cam do you use. I have a DVX100 and a DVC30 as a second cam. Im thinking of getting rid of my DVC30 because it looks different from the DVX100. Although it is a good cam but it is so frustrating when it comes to post.

Does anyone have the same set up (DVX100 and DVC30) and what did you do to go around it? Did people like your work although there is a difference with the picture?
What other camcorder does people use here and paired with a DVX100?

Another question I guess mainly for event videographers is how many cameras do you own. I know that having a 2nd camera is essential but having a third one--is it worth it?
Billy Mallari is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 31st, 2006, 04:49 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Id like to ask everyone who does wedding videos with DVX's what second cam do you use. I have a DVX100 and a DVC30 as a second cam. Im thinking of getting rid of my DVC30 because it looks different from the DVX100. Although it is a good cam but it is so frustrating when it comes to post.

((I wouldnt say frustrating, id say DIFFERENT... VASTLY different.. to those that said that the DVC30 would make a good little Bro to the DVX, they should have researched it alot better. Irrespective of your scene file settings, there is NO WAY you can get an accurate colour match. This coul dbe for a variety of reasons, but in all my attempts as doing it in controlled and uncontrolled environments it jstu didnt happen... ))

Does anyone have the same set up (DVX100 and DVC30) and what did you do to go around it?
((Vegas colour curves came in very handy, as did the CC filter, however even with this, it was obvious the cameras were different. this is one thing i DIDNT want my productions to show (ie different cameras) Whta i did?? Well i tok teh camera back and forked out an extra $2000 for a second DVX, and i havent looked back))

Did people like your work although there is a difference with the picture?
((Yes, the B roll was exaclty that, however it came to a point wher Post CC was taking too much time and that time is worth money and that 2k really wasnt all that much of a sacrifie when it came to saving time.. (and image quality and camera performance...) ))

What other camcorder does people use here and paired with a DVX100?
((Ive tried Z1's but they dont have the Dynamic Rang or colour gradation, and more importantly with ANY type of matching, gamma and luminance play a major role in colour matching cameras, and these 2 are like apples and oranges... the 2 just dont cut it however, the JVCHD101 and the DVX can be matched quite easily... ))

Another question I guess mainly for event videographers is how many cameras do you own.
((6 2x Z1 <being sold... most likely replaced with either JVCHD101 or HVX200 if Pana and Sony can get their act together... but id love one of those sexy XDCamHD units.. hmm... > 2x DVX100, MX500 as a backup, capture deck and stills camera, and a 4yr old DS88 with a fat assed wide lens which i throw up on an 8 foot pole for events and concerts and also doubles as a family handycam ))

I know that having a 2nd camera is essential but having a third one--is it worth it?
((yes.. u can always hire it out (as i do) or u can offer a a variety of different shots for ceremonies and speeches.. content is king my friend))
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Old June 1st, 2006, 10:29 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
I know that having a 2nd camera is essential but having a third one--is it worth it?
((yes.. u can always hire it out (as i do) or u can offer a a variety of different shots for ceremonies and speeches.. content is king my friend))
Thanks peter:

Do you offer a third camera option for your wedding packages? Its just that I dont think brides (well at least the cheap brides that books with me) are not to crazy about having multiple cameras. In my packages I offer 2 cameras during ceremony. Sometime they even would like to cut down into one to make it cheaper not realizing that if something goes wrong with one cam at least I have the second one as a back up. I would like to make my DVC30 as a third cam option for my packages but Im worried of not being able to use it at all and it would be just a waste.

I guess what I would like to ask is would it be practical for event videographers (newbies) to have a third one? I guess it okay for people who have been in the business for so long.
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Old June 1st, 2006, 04:55 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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IMO the more the merrier, so long as your camera placement is discrete (and with a 16x zoom u can get away with ALOT) but more importantly, at least 1 shot is usable..

ive locked 3rd and 4th cameras up on balconys and kept them running only to get 2 shots (brides entry with dad and a walking away shot looking down over the aisle as the couple depart the church... sure its a waste of tape, but its 2 shots which make a huge difference.. and yes the client pays for it..

with what i do, having the 2 cameras is a standard feature in ALL my packages, so that gives me a leg up over most of the competition before people even see my prices... if they want to cut out one camera, tough titties, its standard and wotn affect prices whatsoever (multicam ISNT that hard to edit.. )But yer, if u can afford it, go for it.. however IMO, i wouldnt be going for another DVX now.. id be looking forward at somethign like a JVCHD101 or HVX... for longform, the JVC will be far more beneficial IMO
The DVX, when shot in progressive and scaled up to 720p still looks surprisingly clean however it IS softer than native hd shooting.. but these 2 cameras work really well together and colour gradation (from what ive seen so far <im still testing> seems to work really well..
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