Dodgy iRiver mic input? any ideas? at
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Old May 23rd, 2006, 09:03 AM   #1
Major Player
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Dodgy iRiver mic input? any ideas?

This is a question to all those who use the iRiver for mic purposes.

I mentioned recently in another thread that i got v.loud rustling/crackling noises using the Giant Squid mic with my iRiver when the mic was worn by the Groom or speaker. I thought it was the mic so i've just tried other ones, and found out it does the same with all of them

Methinks i might have a dodgy mic input connection!! damn, i so wanted to get great results!! i bought the iRiver ifp-899 from ebay, and it is fine when the mic lead isn't disrupted, and perfectly ok with line-in recording. and yes, I've used the exact settings written in other threads.

Has anyone had a similar problem? can it be fixed with minimal effort or should i be looking for another iRiver?

thanks in advance
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Old May 24th, 2006, 06:07 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Denver, Colorado USA
Posts: 654
can it be fixed with minimal effort or should i be looking for another iRiver?
Never tried taking one apart but at $100 I doubt it's even worth getting it repaired. (Other than they're getting rare).

Throw it out (and welcome to ebay).
Rick Steele is offline   Reply

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