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Old May 17th, 2006, 05:45 PM   #1
New Boot
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Dual wireless at weddings?

I知 considering purchasing 2 Sennhieser 112p G2 systems for a wedding 3 weeks time. But I am worried that they may interfere with each other. I am looking to plug both into a Sony Z1. Is there anyone in the community that uses a similar setup? Thanks in advance Mark (UK))
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Old May 17th, 2006, 06:19 PM   #2
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I dont know about Senheiser, but I do know the Sony ones allow for 2 wireless mics as the reciver has two antenne with each one corresponding to a particular mic.
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Old May 17th, 2006, 06:21 PM   #3
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Mark- I use the models prior to the G2...the Sennheiser EW100's, and we use three of them at the same time all the time. You will need to set different frequency for each system.

Also...check with sennheiser's web page or the net for your particular area's TV stations, radio stations, etc -frequencies used.....you want to avoid those frequencies if possible, could cause interruption. We have a master list for LA and OC in California but I forgot the source where we got it.

Originally Posted by Mark Shipperley
I知 considering purchasing 2 Sennhieser 112p G2 systems for a wedding 3 weeks time. But I am worried that they may interfere with each other. I am looking to plug both into a Sony Z1. Is there anyone in the community that uses a similar setup? Thanks in advance Mark (UK))
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Old May 18th, 2006, 12:56 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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like Joe we use a couple of the Sennys (i have G1's and 2's) and have never had a problem. One thing about the G2s is they have a channel scan function, so u can allow the system to search for a clean freq. The G1 doesnt have this, but then again the G1 has a stronger signal and is less prone to interferance from my experience with it.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 10:27 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson
One thing about the G2s is they have a channel scan function, so u can allow the system to search for a clean freq.
Works great as long as you're absolutely positive the venue's system is on *first*

I've been there. :)
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Old May 28th, 2006, 07:17 PM   #6
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Like Joe said, you must be assured of broadcast TV and sometimes other frequencies in your local area before choosing the frequencies for your microphones. Most reputable mic manufacturers have a broadcast frequency chart in their support sections which are searchable by zip code.

The multiple frequency systems really make the process much easier.

I typically use four wirless mic systems and don't have problems, except when I am in the southern part of my county. There I sometimes get one mic system wiped out by a television station broadcast some 60 miles distant.
Waldemar Winkler is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 2nd, 2006, 04:10 AM   #7
New Boot
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Thanks guys for the advise, filmed the wedding with 2x112p without a hitch - excellent audio, apart from some heavy breathing from the groom at one stage. Lesson learnt not to put the Lav to high when attaching to the groom. Mark
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 09:58 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Rick Steele
Works great as long as you're absolutely positive the venue's system is on *first*

I've been there. :)
ROFLMAO, u know ive never had that happen (yet.. lol) god i can imagine the groom whispering the bride.. "you look so hot, i cant wait to get u to the hotel and ravish your hot lil body" hahahah imagine the looks when thats thrown out on a 5000w church PA system...... hmm...

One thing i HAVE had (a lil off topic) was a bride telling a groom what she was going to do to him in the limo... like pretty kinky stuff here... and as i was listening in through headfones, i started giggling. She then turns to the groom and asks him what im smiling and giggling about (i was making it pretty obvious <to them> that i could hear them) he then turns to her and waving to his lapel tells her that hes miced up.. she didnt notice u see.. ;)
Times like this i like my job..
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 09:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mark Shipperley
I知 considering purchasing 2 Sennhieser 112p G2 systems for a wedding 3 weeks time. But I am worried that they may interfere with each other. I am looking to plug both into a Sony Z1. Is there anyone in the community that uses a similar setup? Thanks in advance Mark (UK))
IMO it's almost silly to worry about.

The only way they would interfer with each other is if you were silly enough to set them both on the same frequency. And if your worried about external interference take into consideration that there are at least 14,500 available frequencies for wireless coms and most transmissions at a limited range anyway. I use the Azden dual wirless and never had a problem. It's just not an issue.
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 10:05 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mark Shipperley
I知 considering purchasing 2 Sennhieser 112p G2 systems for a wedding 3 weeks time. But I am worried that they may interfere with each other. I am looking to plug both into a Sony Z1. Is there anyone in the community that uses a similar setup? Thanks in advance Mark (UK))
Also, don't know if you noticed but different manufacturers tend not to share the same available frequencies. For instance, try to find Azden & Senny that use the same frequencies... you can't. Unless the church also has a Senny system it's even less probable you'll have any issues.
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 11:17 AM   #11
Inner Circle
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I use 2 Azden 500Us ALL the time and have never had a problem with them corssing over (2 different freqs of course) nor have they ever crossed over on the church freq-generally the churchs use either VHF or UHF on a very much different freq usually lower-the only time there might be a problem is if I'm doing something like a news conference where there might be 5 or 6 other cameras running then we all just go around and double check our freqs out of courtesy
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