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Old April 6th, 2006, 07:38 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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Starting a Wedding Association?!?

Ok, while eating my Apple Jacks and drinking my Coffee this morning - I had a thought . . .

Would starting a local wedding organization comprised of DJs, Videographers, Photographers, Caterers, Wedding planners, etc be a good thing?

While driving to work - I thought about it more and more and think that it actually could be a good thing - here's my thoughts:

The "Organization/Association" would use some kind of dues that would help market the group at wedding expos and through a website and print advertizing - thus for a fraction of the price of an ad in a bride magazine - everyone in the organization gets advertized. Also - the organization would be a "one stop shop" for Brides to get everything that they need (DJ, Photographer, Videographer, etc).

Also - because the organization members would more than likely be working together - we can discuss each wedding as a loosely based team - so we can provide the best unified effort to make sure that the wedding performs smoothly (i.e. Photographers know the videographer so they keep out of each others way - DJs know to let the videographer/photographer get in position before major events start - such as a cake cutting ).

If run correctly - the organization would have quality controls that protect the members of the organization from suffering from a "bad apple" whom may not be providing quality work to the client - and thus ruining the reputation of the organization as a whole. A Board of elected directors would be in charge of how to market, etc - and a collective bank account would make so that no one member could take the treasury of the group and run with it. (I belong to a Water Ski Club that has a bank account split up so that every check/withdrawal needs the presidents and treasurers signature on it).

The only downsize I can see is that it would take a good deal of work to set up, and it needs the other vendors buy into and to stick with it for a while as the association gets it's name out.

Any thoughts? Does anyone belong to an association like this? Does it pay off? Would any of you join an organization like this? Or am I just crazy?

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Old April 6th, 2006, 07:56 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Ryan DesRoches
Would any of you join an organization like this? Or am I just crazy?


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Old April 6th, 2006, 09:33 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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been done to death her in aus simply due to the lack of regulation in the industry... what theat means is that these associans mean JACK BUGGER ALL as there is no policing the product or policing the business procatices of teh producer.. all it is is a "gold badge" u use for marketing purposes which dumb brides fall for thinking its all good then realising that it really doesnt mean anything.

as the industry is unregulated it means any tom dick or harry can join up and call themselves a pro. its an absolute farce and some of teh associations here in aus are pathetic. U really have to see how some of them do their "awards"
Heres an example..
Me the business pays 2k to be a member
i thne pay a furhter few hundred bux for "application voting forms" The more money i pay, the more forms i can get.
Now my "clients" can fill these forms out and vote on how good they think my work is. Now thers no policing this, so i can get my cousin, neighbour and Mother in law to fill these out with fake names and adresses.
The more of these forms i submit, the more votes i get.
I then have to pay to attend a "awards dinner" where i can pick up my trophy for first place.. for a price of course..

If that dont ring danger bells, i dunno what does..

As for the associations themselves, there are some which seem to be ok on the outset, but theres really nothing in it for the business apart from advterising kudos.

If for example i finish a job and ive edited it to the brides direction as discussed and noted PRIOR to the day of filming, then she decides she wants this and that and this and that changed etc etc and i say no... whos gonna back me up??
If i try to charge her for my time.. and she refuses to pay.. will the association back me up??

If I am ill and have to stop work for 3 months... will the association help me find an editor to help with the backlogue of jobs? Will they advise teh clietn on my behalf that their product wil be delayed?

Will the association represent me in court when a client decides that 6 months waiting for a wedding video is too long, even though she agreed in writing to wait between 4 to 8 months?

Will the association try to protect my business interests when a client fails to understand that theyre not the only client i deal with?

This is what associations SHOULD be about. Protection for business operators from unscrupulous clients who demand more than theyre willing to pay.
They ARE out there, belive me, im dealing with several as i write this... from those that dont read the fine print before signing, to those that turn on u at the drop of a dime

These elements are what u must consider to be a feasable association and i can guarantee u that the associations already in existance do NOT do this.. apart from the Medical associations and trade associations.. they KNOW what theyre doing coz theyre regulated and have rules to follow.. in this game its a free for all and its an absolute joke.. im glad i getting out of video..

I pray for the day of freedom to come.. .
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