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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old April 2nd, 2006, 03:27 PM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: College Park, Maryland
Posts: 913
Desiring to hear honest opinions.

Hi peeps,
I have a question after reading through some threads that mention style, learning, and plagerism. I don't have any type of degree in working in event filming whatsoever, and maybe alot of people here don't as well (I don't know). There is so much creativity I have seen over the last 2 months searching through this community forum, and by viewing many short videos I have learned alot about how to creatively use my nle software and shoot any event. To be honest without these creative videos I'd only be a intermediate editor, and be a advance shooter based on levels (beg. to expert). I have bought videos on how to shoot video which were great, thanks Glen for the links, but by also watching your videos and trying hard to figure out how in the world you do some of those effects and why, has been a learning process as well. Now by learning this way I would love to implement the ability to use the 3d modes in my projects, or say a color pass here, or a Bézier masks for a cool effect, or etc... The reason I bring this up is because, I don't want to do what many have called plagerism by using these effects I've seen used, and being creavtive with shooting a certain way when the oppurtunity permits. I definitely wouldn't use them the exact same way, but where is the line? Do I not use these fresh ideas and be ok at what I do? With that said where would you say the line would be between "learning and plagerism" in your honest opinion? Speaking from the conscience here and I would just like to know your honest opinions.

Sorry the question is quite lengthy

Last edited by Monday Isa; April 2nd, 2006 at 05:45 PM.
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 04:55 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Thunder Bay, ON. Canada
Posts: 374
Hi Monday,
I think that if you see an idea that you like why not go a ahead and give it a try. You might find that you can put a different spin on it and make it your own. I recently had a videographer blatantly try to palagerize my idea in order to take a couple from me at a lower price. I was disappointed that someone would have no creativity of thier own but the way I look at it is, that imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery. As long as I am fresh and coming up with the good ideas I will always be one step ahead of the competition and they will always be playing catch up. As far as calling it plagerism, we have all probably stolen a shot from movie that we didn't even realize. As long as we can't put a patent on our work, you are free to create what works best for you. Keep in mind that if a customer see's that you are copying others work it might reflect poorly on you, that you have no creativity yourself.
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 07:20 PM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jan 2003
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In event video especially weddings there is only so many different things you can do and then you either repeat or "steal"-steal in the sense that you've seen an effect that some one else has done and you try to emulate it. Since there is no TM or Copyright on effects you are really not stealing. We've all done it. I've gotten ideas from someone and tried to emulate or even better it, make it mine in a way just as others have gotten ideas from me and done the same. Here's the thing though, since every event every couple is different you won't be using the same tricks or FX on every video-if you are then you need to work on you creativity and being a believer in less can be better and just using what feel appropriate for the couple and the event I may keep a lot of bullets in the belt but only load the gun as needed-if I happen to see something in someone elses work that looks exciting and I feel it will work for me I try it. If it works great-if not-thats fine too. I'm not stealing anything because remember there is really nothing new-everything has been done before.

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