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Old February 14th, 2006, 03:27 PM   #1
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Azden wireless?

Anyone used the dual channel camera mount Azden system? The model number is 200ULH.

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Old February 14th, 2006, 03:57 PM   #2
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I know 2 guys that use it
One is happy with it, one isn't.
Personally I use 2 Azden 500Us and in the time I've been using them I've had ZERO problems. I know some folks don't like Azden product and in talking about the shotgun mics I would agree but the 500Us have been flawless for all the time I've used them-no drops, no crossover-AAMOF I just used them this morning doing a promo shoot for a radio station and there was a TV remote there as well-they had 2 wireless running I had 2 running and we all got along just fine.
The 200 is a good idea but I'm not sure about this particular unit but like I said, 1 loves it 1 doesn't.
Go figure ;-0
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Old February 14th, 2006, 05:53 PM   #3
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Can't comment on the specific model you mentioned, but I have a pair of Azden VHF units and I don't like them AT ALL. I never use them anymore. Part of the reason is probably the fact that they are VHF.
Black Label Films
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Old February 14th, 2006, 10:19 PM   #4
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VHF sucks to begin with (I finally got rid of the last of mine-I threw them out about a year ago) and the Azden VHF units are/were no exception however the 400Us and now the 500Us (UHF) are very decent units. I wish there were an hour meter on them so I could actually see just how much I have used them over the years with ZERO problems.
The unit in question the 200 is a new unit that is a great idea but again right now its got 1 for and 1 against so it's literally a toss up.

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Old February 14th, 2006, 11:03 PM   #5
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Thanks for the replies, guys.

Don, your friend that doesn't like the Azden, what problems has he had? Is it quality issues, or more related to features?

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Old February 15th, 2006, 07:23 AM   #6
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When I talked to him about the unit it seemed it was more a features issue than quality-I say that because he seemed happy with the quality after finally coming from some old VHF stuff (he claims it worked for him until recently)- I do know that 1 thing he doesn't like is the minipin instead of an XLR into the unit-he said it MIGHT be prone to pulling out-I said thats what they make strips of gaffers tape for-(I used to do that all the time) he said there doesn't seem to be a lot room for your fingers to make adjustments- I said if you didn't have ham hands you wouldn't have a problem PLUS there really aren't any adjustments to make except channel and group.
I think he just misses his old stuff. To my knowledge he has not had any issues with quality except once when he was at a place right by O'Hare airport and somehow got close to some frequency that caused some interference so he just changed freqs and was good to go (this happened BEFORE the event and BTW-it happened to me also at the same place about a month ago)
There you have it. 2 people, same gear- 1 happy 1 not so much but again I think he just misses his old VHF junk.

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Old February 15th, 2006, 09:01 AM   #7
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Thanks for the clarification, Don.

I work alot with pro audio stuff. The minipin connectors are almost all you will see on transmitter packs and I have never heard of any problems.

I have not had to deal with on camera(or otherwise portable) receivers before, everything has been rackmount. The Azden obviously has an advantage in cost per channel.

It looks like I'll give it a shot.

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Old February 15th, 2006, 05:47 PM   #8
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Craig--I have the 200ULH, with a lavaliere and a handheld and have had no problems with it at all. Clear as a bell, no interference. Worth every penny.
As far as the channel and group adjustments, you have to use the little tools they give you to switch them, but it a piece of cake. Just don't lose the little suckers, as they're very small. I'm sure you could use a jeweler's screwdriver if you did.
Now it's 2 to 1 in favor...
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Old February 15th, 2006, 11:58 PM   #9
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Thanks Vincent,

I think I will give it a shot.
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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:14 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Craig Sovereign
Anyone used the dual channel camera mount Azden system? The model number is 200ULH.

Honestly, take it from somebody who's become a little obsessed with good audio lately. I now have 3 wireless & 2 I-rivers for ceremonies (if needed).

When I first got mine I thought it was defective because I didn't think that I'd have to power down then power back up with any frenquency changes, figured I could do it on the fly like on my Sennheizer. The manual is just a 2 page fold out -very very limited and lacking this info. Anyway I figured it out and it works fine, & clear. It's a good unit. I got the one with the microphone -and then got an extra body pack transmitter.

But consider that receiver is big for this unit and on my PD-170 I already had the shoe occupied with a light -so I had to rig something a little unussual to mount it. Keep this in mind - if your shoe is already occupied you'll have to be creative!

Anyway, what I really like about these Azden units is the range of control you have with the frequency adjustment dial. They give you a lot of control with that little orange dial. It's hard not to appreciate that. You'll find out if you get one.

Good luck-
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Old February 16th, 2006, 09:33 AM   #11
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I think the receiver is the same size as the 500Us or close anyway-here's what I've done to use the unit on the PD 150
FIRST-I've used industrial strength velcro on the back of my batteries (the 960s) and have velcro'd the receiver to the battery-in the years I've been doing that I've never had a problem with the unit damaging a battery HOWEVER the problem is that you really can't get to use the veiwfinder-those antenna poke you right in the eye ;-O so you HAVE to use the LCD which is fine but the other thing with that set up is if you go handheld-it gets very awkward, so to combat that I went to the local home improvement store and founs a tools pouch that was the perfect size for the receiver and the pouch has a belt clip on it-couple that with a 4 foot XLR cable and I was in business as long as I remembered I was attached to the camera which generally isn't a problem as I hook the pouch to my power belt that I use for my light when I use the PD150.
Azden also has a replacement belt clip for the older 400U which I believe will also work on the 500U and probably the 200 as well. I think it's $9.00 for the clip.
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Old February 16th, 2006, 11:24 AM   #12
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Sorry, I had posted in the wrong thread
Douglas Villalba - director/cinematographer/editor
Miami, Florida, USA -
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