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Old January 5th, 2006, 08:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Willmar, MN
Posts: 1,400
Importance of name recognition

Do you guys find name recognition important in the wedding video arena? When a bride to be first starts contemplating a wedding video, what is the likelihood she will think of your name? Or is it more likely she'll just pull it out of the yellow pages?

At the end of this month, I am quitting my day job and moving into video production full-time. Like many of you, I do wedding videos as a way of developing my skills, making contacts, and paying bills. My final goal is more along the lines of corporate video.

I had an interesting call yesterday. I was asked to be the morning DJ at a local country radio station. I worked for this broadcast company (but not this particular station) 12 years ago, then left radio for a more lucrative career as a software developer. It would be the morning show only, I can walk out the door at 9am every morning, giving me the rest of the day for my business.

At first I didn't see the fit with my goals, but then I started thinking about name recognition. My business name includes my real name, and it couldn't hurt to have that name broadcast every morning on the top country station in the area. Plus, they are willing to offer me office space, which also would be a benefit.

Anyway, do people care "who" you are? Or are they more likely to find you due to a random business card or yellow pages ad?
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Old January 5th, 2006, 09:13 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Worcester, Mass USA
Posts: 125
I hope people know who I am and are refered by people to me instead of just getting my name out of the yellow pages. I think name recognission is HUGE in any market - and having a unique buisness name (not "Daves Video") with the reputation to back it is woth it's weight in gold. I would much rather deal with a company that I have heard about before (if only in name) than a company that I know nothing about.

The radio gig sound perfect to get your name out there - it's basically free advertizing in a way!

But, just don't take the job for that purpose - look at all the other things that the job might have (pros and cons) before you do it.

Good luck on going "Full" time on the Video gig. I too am a software engineer by day - but will hopefully be able to quit the day job and do Video/Web Design on my own in a few more years (just starting out here!).

Ryan DesRoches is offline   Reply

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