24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode? at DVinfo.net
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Old May 30th, 2016, 01:07 AM   #1
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24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

For maybe the third time now I keep coming back to the notion of just simplifying my wedding setup and shooting on a zoom for most of the day. Lately I've been switching between my 35 and 85mm Samyang lenses, and it does cause some stress if something is happening mid lens change. Or sometimes you see something and you are too wide/tight, but by the time you change the moment would be gone. Also worth noting - the CA and sharpness takes a noticeable hit on these lenses wide open, and as a result I'm normally shooting at f2 max.

So, here is the introduction, I'm yet again considering shooting with a zoom. I own a Tamron 24-70mm f2.8, because the VC was vital, but now with in-built stabilisation on my a7sii, I could grab the canon or Nikon offering with superior optics. (Can't see me paying the G Master price tag!)

The other option I've been toying with however is the Sigma APS-C fast zoom - 18-35mm f1.8. The A7sii can be put into APS-C mode and then you have a f1.8 lens covering 26-52mm. Furthermore, I've seen that using the lens in full frame mode, you can use a portion of the zoom range without vignetting - maybe 28mm-32mm at a guess.

But is it a wasteto shoot your whole project on APS-C mode when you own a full frame?

Besides, the 52mm equivalent is still probably not long enough for some situations where the 24-70mm range would be perfect, considering that the 70mm end of the FF lens could be made to reach 105mm in APS-C mode if required.

Any thoughts? Does anyone use the 18-35mm in APS-C mode? DOes anyone use a 24-70mm for most of their wedding shoot?
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Old May 30th, 2016, 02:48 AM   #2
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Re: 24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

Clive I'm in a similar boat to you - I change lenses 8 - 10 times during a full wedding day and it just adds stress - as an experiment at last weekend's wedding I shot all day using my Zeiss 24-70 f4 zoom and it worked out fine - I switched over to APS-C mode for the ceremony and speeches for the extra reach. I had to swap for my Tamron 24-70 2.8 for the evening reception as F4 just a tad too slow as it was really dark, but I'm happy having not to change lenses.

The only downside is the manual focus on the Zeiss is not great but I am considering the G-Master 24-70 as I've read the MF is greatly improved and I can keep it on all day long!!!! Way overpriced but will just make life that much easier.

I'd shoot the entire day using the Tamron but I rely on AF for some key parts of the day.

Last edited by Peter Rush; May 30th, 2016 at 03:28 AM.
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Old May 30th, 2016, 03:35 AM   #3
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Re: 24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

Good man Peter. I feel f4 is just not fast enough for me personally, but 2.8 would certainly suffice.
I just wonder if there would be a few key portrait shots where I'd be annoyed I wasn't shooting shallower. That where the f1.8 of the Sigma is appealing.

As for the autofocus, it looks as though the Sigma MC-11 adaptor could give very usable auto focus ability on the Sigma 18-35mm.

I use autofocus during speeches. For bride coming up the aisle I've been getting annoyed with my autofocus experience. It's a crucial shot, and I had an experience where it just didn't want to focus on the groom when I panned to him for his reaction. Nightmare!
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Old May 30th, 2016, 04:08 AM   #4
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Re: 24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

We're going off topic a little but for all the run and gun parts of the day the 24-70 f4 is fine for me - I use the Tamron 24-70 2.8 for bride prep (shallower dof) and evening reception (that extra stop makes the difference)

For the bride's entrance I'm never really happy - I often get blocked, occasionally by the priest walking right in front of her or simply because there's only a few feet between her and all the bridesmaids - a bit like filming a moving rugby scrum.

Last wedding I crouched at the end of the pew where the groom was sat (at least you know this space is always going to be available) which would have worked ok but the little kids faffed about as they got to the head of the aisle and some adults came out into the aisle to move them all out of the way as the bride was coming down - they blocked my shot and was a bit of a dog's dinner. I do use AF for this moment though as to zoom out and manually focus while on a monopod is too tricky. For the ceremony and speeches it's manual focus all the way - 70mm is not always enough reach in the bigger churches though so I put it in APS-C mode
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Old May 30th, 2016, 06:53 AM   #5
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Re: 24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

Originally Posted by Clive McLaughlin View Post

So, here is the introduction, I'm yet again considering shooting with a zoom. I own a Tamron 24-70mm f2.8, because the VC was vital, but now with in-built stabilisation on my a7sii, I could grab the canon or Nikon offering with superior optics.
Clive don't be so quick to ditch the Tamron - I have that lens and would say optically it's better than my Canon 24-105 F4 - certainly sharper with a somewhat 'punchier' image

What do you know of the Sigma MC-11? will it allow fast AF in video mode with Canon/Sigma EF lenses?

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Old May 30th, 2016, 07:17 AM   #6
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Re: 24-70mm on fullframe or 18-35mm in APS-C mode?

It works with Sigma lenses only, and pretty much only their 'art' range. It comes in both Sigma mount and Canon mount.

Not sure if it's as good as native, but it is miles better than any other adapter that claims to autofocus like maetabones, commlite etc...

Here's a sample I found
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