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Old April 15th, 2016, 04:01 AM   #16
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Re: Parking woes again

Just out of curiosity, what is the name of this town. I've worked in London, various towns and places with limited parking, but never had to turn down or even consider turning down based on parking. I was in Folkestone and parked in a 2 hour limed car park. I just topped up after the service; it was a couple of minutes walk. Traffic wardens were buzzing over the car park more than once I saw, yet I didn't get any comeback to my extending the 2 hour limit by buying a new ticket. Can they remember every car they see; do they just look to see there's a ticket and barely register the car itself. In a car park full of say 40 cars, unless they write down everyone, its going to be hard to pick out 1 in 40 that sticks around for an extra hour or so. I mean if it was there the whole day I'm sure they'd pick up on it.
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Old April 15th, 2016, 05:53 AM   #17
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Re: Parking woes again

Originally Posted by Peter Rush View Post
Sadly it's a 4 hour round trip - a bit of a big ask
I should have been more specific. Park up in the long stay parking as near as possible to the venue. Then get a taxi to & from the parking. The taxi driver will even help you with your luggage.
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Old April 20th, 2016, 05:05 AM   #18
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Re: Parking woes again

Are you shooting on your own?

When we face this in London we normally drop off the gear while the other shooter parks up. Then after they go get the car to load up.

How does the church handle the folks who want to goto church? Or do they just accept that as a reason why people dont go anymore?
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Old April 21st, 2016, 12:46 AM   #19
Inner Circle
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Re: Parking woes again

Yes I'll be on my own and their are only 2 car parks - both with a maximum stay of 2 hours and no return within 2 hours - on street parking seems to be limited to 30 minutes - I've emailed the council twice and received an automated 'we will get back to you' - that was last week and still nothing - a phone call I think

The wedding is at Howden Minster in North Yorkshire
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Old April 21st, 2016, 02:08 AM   #20
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Re: Parking woes again

Hi Peter,

I was intrigued so had a look. Its a very small town. Street level shows street parking as '4 hours or Resident Permit' and not 30 mins. Have you had information that suggests there's been a change? This parking is available along the road outside the main church on Pinfold St, though subject to residents use. However its possible many will be out, being a Saturday, so freeing spaces. The other option is what looks like a free car park below the Fish Pond Park. Bit further to walk, though a handy path through the park that takes you out near one of the smaller car parks. I suppose you could drop your gear off inside the church then park to make things easier.

There's also a lane that runs down next to the cemetery. No yellow lines but looks narrow, so may not be possible. However perhaps its possible to park down it, if there's some point that doesn't block vehicle access. Plus there's that little courtyard in front of the church. Who knows, maybe there'd be some space there. Right outside and doesn't seem to have any parking restrictions.

Have you considered contacting the Photographer; surely they are in the same situation; they maybe local and know a few secret spots that can be used.
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Old April 22nd, 2016, 05:38 AM   #21
Inner Circle
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Re: Parking woes again

Cheers Steve - your street view must be better than mine - can't make that '4 hours' out - it was the bride who thought it was 30 minutes

Like the Idea regarding the photographer - I'll contact them

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Old April 24th, 2016, 07:31 PM   #22
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Re: Parking woes again

I do quite a few weddings in downtown New York city. When I book the contract I demand an extra 200 US dollars to cover taxi service to get to the church/ceremony location. The morning of the event I park my car at the venue and hop on a taxi to get around eventually getting to the venue. I keep all the taxi receipts and tally up the total and present them to the bride as proof. If they total less, I refund the difference, if more she pays. Many times just to get around was in the order of 300+ dollars.This is discussed and agreed upon by the client. The reason I started doing this years ago was when my car and equipment was towed to the NYC pound because the meter "ran out" of the maximum 1 hour spot. NYC meter maids are unforgiving especially when they see a New Jersey or foreign plate on the car. If they don't agree on my demands, I simply refuse to book.
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Old April 24th, 2016, 11:56 PM   #23
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Re: Parking woes again

Maybe this is a US-centric way of thinking, but I've been reading this thread since the beginning, and I agree with Arthur. I'm fascinated it hasn't come up thus far, and I'm glad he said it.

I do some work for a local theatre that is attached to a huge parking garage. If you go to a show at the theatre, you can park free in the garage. The clearance in the garage is 6'6". My production van is 6'11". The parking lot outside (open air, no clearance requirement) is not free, it's $20. Every time, I park in the $20 lot and bill them the twenty bucks. In the beginning they made a stink of it, but here's the deal - you don't have parking to accommodate me. In my case, height, in your case, hours. Now it's going to cost twenty bucks. This twenty bucks isn't going to bankrupt anybody, and, here's the deal - you're the one that booked a venue that had no parking. I would find a solution, come up with what it's going to cost, and approach the couple. If you're too deep in this one, then eat the cost, but next time around, include that in the estimate.
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Old May 3rd, 2016, 01:49 PM   #24
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Re: Parking woes again

I notice that many if not most studios/videographers/photographers don,t even mention the extra fees of getting around to the clients. They don't want to look heap I guess, or that they figure the amount is too small to mention for bothering. Well just figure for a second what a year's travel and parking costs to you and also figure how much the wedding cake portion that is thrown away costs and maybe you can see how readily the couple "throws away" money. I have seen with my own eyes the limo driver getting 200+ dollars in tip money just for driving around a few hours and reading the newspaper in waiting. He didn't even ask for the tip and we are ignoring to ask for needed "getting around" money that would otherwise come out of our own pockets. In my case I estimate easily over $4000 dollars per year between parking/tolls/gas. Yes, NY and NJ is that expensive. Better out their wallets than mine.
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