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Old February 26th, 2016, 03:40 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Vimeo titles in facebook

This is really bugging me that facebook displays the file name and not the title - I've tried the facebook debug tool which seems to do absolutely nothing - anyone have success getting around this?

There are only 2 options - 'show existing scrape information' and 'show new scrape information' - neither of which seem to do anything

The Vimeo help says go to the debug tool and click on 'debug' - that doesn't exist! Vimeo halp also says the video needs to be public which it is

I've tried Facebook in Firefox and Chrome and both show the file name and not the title
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Old February 26th, 2016, 07:47 AM   #2
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Re: Vimeo titles in facebook

TBH Mine display pretty nicely. It shows the videos Vimeo Title, and the play button in the center. I only post the URL I think, not any full embed code.

Once, when I changed to title or something, I did have to use "Fetch New Scrape" which did work for me. Maybe try pressing F5 when you're on your FB page to refresh, your browser might be remembering it from cache memory. Also in Vimeo under the videos Settings tab, under Embed, there's a few options there to play around with.

But yeah I've had luck with mine, again just pasting in the URL (The video then auto appears).
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