Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage? at DVinfo.net
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Old August 24th, 2015, 03:02 PM   #1
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Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

Someone asked me the other day about shooting their wedding. I asked them what they wanted and they stated they wanted a hightlight video and raw footage. I normally hesitate giving away raw footage, but I like the idea of not having to edit a long video too. Anyone selling just a hightlight video and raw footage?
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Old August 24th, 2015, 05:35 PM   #2
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

Hi Jeff

From my side there would be two issues :

(1) To do a simple and easy high light video I need to shift thru and edit all the footage anyway so why not do a long form ... Doing a long form allows me to decide in my head exactly what the high light video will be made up from.

(2) Why do they want the raw footage ... I very much doubt whether the average couple have the necessary edit software just for starters! The problem is, what happens if they DO have a decent NLE and make a really awful attempt at editing and then blame you?? I so no issue of course if the raw footage is purely for backup in the future but how can you tell??
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Old August 24th, 2015, 07:56 PM   #3
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

I'd double check with them to see if they actually want the raw footage, or if they're expecting a simple linear documentary style all-footage edit.
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Old August 24th, 2015, 10:20 PM   #4
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

One of my packages includes just a highlight film but most clients who purchase this package will also purchase the raw footage as well for $300. I don't give them the files straight from the camera (mostly because some of the cameras just record reference audio). I will go in and do some light editing so that the audio matches up with the correct shots and apply a few color correction filters that I used during the highlight video. It seems to be a good complement to the highlight video if they don't want to pay for a long form video.
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Old August 25th, 2015, 09:47 AM   #5
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

Under my new pricing structure (everything ala carte), it would be possible for a client to have me film the day, purchase a highlight reel, and purchase the raw footage.

If they wanted to do that, I'd be ok with that.
KR Productions; www.kyleroot.com
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Old August 25th, 2015, 07:41 PM   #6
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

If they want RAW Footage, charge them for it. I really don't understand why couples want the actual files, but more power to them. They can pay for it.
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Old August 25th, 2015, 07:50 PM   #7
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

For me, I'm now like 40 and my clients are like 20. I'm not going to be doing this forever and I don't want to be responsible for archiving footage.

So, I make it available for them to purchase and save for their own family heirloom kind of thing.

If something happens to me or my computer, they have everything they need to recreate the video.

I give them:
- all the original AVCHD.MXF, MOV files
- jpegs of all the graphics I've made (DVD case insert, DVD label, DVD menu)
- a master ISO file
- a master mp4 of the final video
- any photos I've taken.

$500.00 for a hard drive with all that.

I encourage them to copy it all to their own computer as well and make another copy of the HD if they wish for a bank lock box etc.
KR Productions; www.kyleroot.com
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Old August 25th, 2015, 08:10 PM   #8
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

For the first few brides who requested raw footage, I asked them if they wanted to have a friend or family member re-edit the footage or if they just wanted to watch it. They all said they just wanted to watch it so I just converted everything to MP4 and put it on a USB drive for them and they paid for it. Most of my cameras shoot in AVCHD and I doubt a bride would want to try to work with those files. I've probably sold the raw footage to 10-12 brides and so far no one has asked for the actual files that came straight from the camera (except for one bride who owns a video production company).
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Old August 25th, 2015, 08:23 PM   #9
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

For the odd bride who has asked for raw footage to be included I have supplied the MP4 files straight from the camera and they have freaked .." How am I supposed to view 120 video clips of my wedding" ...so I have come to the assumption that raw footage to them is not camera files at all. What they really want is EVERYTHING you filmed whether you used it or not and in a watchable file not a bunch of camera files.

What they consider un-edited footage would be in my opinion all your camera files, in sequence as an MP4 clip but actually at a minimum, top and tailed to take out the wobbly bits and assembled as a video clip so they can play it on their computer. That to me is almost a quick edit so a few hours at least is involved and decent charges have to be passed on to the bride. Another issue is if you are doing a 2 or more camera shoot would you be obliged to sync 2nd and even 3rd cam footage to the main track ..would they expect that ..if so that's also very chargeable!!
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Old August 25th, 2015, 08:30 PM   #10
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post

What they consider un-edited footage would be in my opinion all your camera files, in sequence as an MP4 clip but actually at a minimum, top and tailed to take out the wobbly bits and assembled as a video clip so they can play it on their computer. That to me is almost a quick edit so a few hours at least is involved and decent charges have to be passed on to the bride.
Chris, that's exactly what I do and it's worked pretty well. I'll get several hundred clips from each camera but I will compile them into 5-10 MP4 files. I label them as "Camera A - Pre-Ceremony Footage" or "Camera C - Reception Footage". I will do some minor audio adjustments and apply the same color correction filters I used for their highlight video. But otherwise I pretty much leave it alone and just give them a heads up that the footage will include some shots that are out of focus, shots where we were walking with the camera, etc.

I haven't had any feedback since I don't normally talk to them after sending the USB with the raw footage. I'd be interested to find out if any of them watched all 5 or 6 hours of it!
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Old August 25th, 2015, 09:07 PM   #11
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

I do this fairly often actually...though VERY rarely do they want the actual files themselves...what they really wanted is just the formalities delivered to them and a fancy highlight reel, nothing more. I offer that as well as a longer edit. It's popular and way less editing time, which is nice for me right now as I have a 4 year old daughter and enjoy the breaks in heavy editing.
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Old August 25th, 2015, 09:48 PM   #12
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

What do y'all tell couples that ask why you don't give them the RAW footage for free?

I have actually had couples pass on me (so they say) as I won't give them RAW footage for free. Other local companies give it to them for free.
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Old August 25th, 2015, 11:30 PM   #13
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

I gave one bride a deal which said "no editing" just raw footage so I technically gave away the footage as that was the only end product. She had someone overseas who was going to edit the files. If they ask for the raw footage up front just tell them the footage is free BUT you have to pay my editor assembly and compilation costs ...in camera form, I tell them (big lie) "Do you have the same camera as mine to watch the footage as they are camera files on the camera card" Again the bride that wanted the shoot and only raw footage actually expected one or two files neatly trimmed and fully watchable ... You can say you are giving them the raw footage for free but make sure you charge appropriate edit cost to supply it in a watchable format.

Anything can be made to "appear" free ..you are just paying for it somewhere else .. Our package has a FREE open photobooth when they book video and photography ..of course our costing covers us more than adequately!
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Old August 26th, 2015, 04:40 AM   #14
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

I don't know about others, but when I film, I often quickly switch to the next clip and the camera is just stopping, so when I play it back there might be a sudden move at the end of the clip. Maybe I don't stop the camera as the bride is about to get out of the car and I quickly reframe. Perhaps the colour balance was slightly out and will need correcting. All of these things to an untrained eye could look unprofessional and give the wrong impression, which is precisely why we edit a video.

If you are giving away raw footage are you giving them all these little rough bits, or are you taking them out? If the latter, then effectively you must be quickly going through the footage and doing a quick edit. If so, then they need to be charged accordingly and if not, you risk being classed as incompetent because of your 'bad' shots.

Never forget that in the wedding business we are dealing with amateurs who often don't understand the difference between their wedding video footage and a TV documentary and may judge you accordingly.

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Old August 26th, 2015, 08:07 AM   #15
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Re: Who is just doing a hightlight film and giving away raw footage?

I don't take anything out. I leave everything as is.

The last wedding we did, ended up with 20 media folders from the different cameras and some 6,000+ files.

No time to be going through all that and removing stuff. lol
KR Productions; www.kyleroot.com
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