Why do some of you use DSLRs? at DVinfo.net
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Old April 28th, 2015, 06:26 AM   #1
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Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Having never used or recorded with a DSLR camera at my weddings, at any time, I'm asking, why do some of you use DSLRs ? :)

Is the recording time not limited compared to video cameras?
What's their advantage over video cameras?

I'm looking for a camera stabilizer for one of my TM900s but see a lot of you use DSLRs instead.

Thanks in advance.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 06:38 AM   #2
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Anthony, there are MANY advantages of DSLR cameras over standard videocameras, most having to do with image quality.

The primary thing is that you can change lenses on DSLR cameras which offers a variety of looks, depth of field, and more. There are a gazillion threads about this topic.

I did it for a couple of years and hated it. Wonderful images, but it did not fit my style of shooting as a solo shooter.

I strongly suggest you google DSLR vs videocamera and read the results.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 06:57 AM   #3
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Hi Jeff, thanks for that, I'm a sole shooter too btw, mostly weddings.

OK, will do, thank you again.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 07:14 AM   #4
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

I believe most DSLRs now shoot for 30 minutes, which is very workable, especially compared to the old 12 minute limit (like on my 5d Mark ii, though Magic Lantern helps with that). We use 3 cameras, so the time limit isnt much of an issue for us. And its plenty of time to move from camera to camera and restart, if needed.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 07:24 AM   #5
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Originally Posted by Robert Benda View Post
I believe most DSLRs now shoot for 30 minutes, which is very workable, especially compared to the old 12 minute limit
Thanks Robert, I thought recording was 12 mins too but glad to hear its now 30mins.

So then, another question, what DSLR to buy?
Can't go to expensive £500/£600 lens inc,... if possible.
Don't know if I could afford to buy body and lens just now, although I know it would be the way to go.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 07:39 AM   #6
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Hi Anthony

I go the combo route simply because I don't like the DSLR form factor for handheld use. Sure I have two DSLR's but I use them for stills cos I like the form factor for stills.

I use two Sony EA-50's for video because they are video camera form factor. However they have a DSLR sensor and also interchangeable lenses so I get the best of both worlds ...big sensor, I use my Nikon lenses, I have proper XLR audio channels and no record limit. I have never shot video on my Nikons because they are too awkward to hold for video.. and I have never shot stills on my Sony's (they have a 16mp still function) again because they are just too awkward to shoot stills with.

Makes sense to me

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Old April 28th, 2015, 07:41 AM   #7
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

I use videocameras and dslr's, the main reason for me to use a dslr is because of the look I can achieve which is not possible to get with a videocamera, the bride prep for instance, I use a 25mm f1.4 and it just gives a very beautiful shallow dof look, or at the reception when I shoot talking heads I put on a 75mm f1.8 and get quite close due to panasonics cropfactor and again get a look that is impossible to achieve with a videocamera, at that focal length I also can gather enough light to shoot at candle lit dinners which would be very challenging or even impossible with a videocamera. And the lenschoices I have like a macro or a fisheye depending on what look I"m after and last the size, my gh4 with any lens is tiny and light which enables me to carry more then one camera in a medium size backpack.

In terms of use I absolutely hate dslr's though, videocamera's are so much easier under run and gun, when I need to do longer recordings, like a ceremony, I prefer to use a videocamera, or when I only get one shot to get it right or when light conditions change during a shot I prefer a videocamera as it is so much easier to operate under fast changing environments.

Last edited by Noa Put; April 28th, 2015 at 08:34 AM.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 08:32 AM   #8
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

I side with Noa on why I use DSLR's - image quality is so much better than a video camera. I only differ in that I've never had much issue using my GH4/3 and 2's for Ceremony work. Yes it's not reliable as a run and gun and I'm exploring other options for that reason. However with practise and I get plenty of that, I've rarely had major issues with my fully dslr setup. I use a monopod for the majority of my video work, so unlike Chris, never have a problem with the small form factor.

Speaking of the RX10, if your budget is under a £1000 Anthony, this camera would provide the best of both worlds. Frankly a dslr is only as good as its lens and if you can't afford at least a decent 2.8 zoom, let alone some quality primes, you've lost the cameras main advantage. Worth upgrading though. Those TM900's are a bit outdated now. I used 2 up till 2012, but was glad to put them aside. I kept one for Guestcam, but never use them for my own Wedding work.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 08:53 AM   #9
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Originally Posted by Anthony McErlean View Post
So then, another question, what DSLR to buy?
Can't go to expensive £500/£600 lens inc,... if possible.
Don't know if I could afford to buy body and lens just now, although I know it would be the way to go.
You'd have to be clear on what you need the camera to do, or want it to do.

Personally, we use multiple cameras, including the 5d Mark ii, for full frame (shallow DOF when we want it, better low light performance), and a pair of 70Ds (great touch screen facial tracking for focus, nice for all the movement going on, when the light is decent. STM lenses aren't expensive, either).

This gives us flexibility, including the 70D (crop factor) long reach to get a nice close up of each the B&G faces during vows (a 55-250mm + 1.6 crop factor is very nice).

On the cheap, you can buy used and do nicely.

Personally, I'm going to upgrade when I can get in camera 4K, better ISO, and focus tracking. *sigh* someday.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 09:17 AM   #10
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Like others, I use both DSLR and regular camcorders.

Indeed, the looks you get out of a large sensor camera are beautiful compared to a 1/4" or 1/3" chip camera. The more I use my D750 for video, the more I love it. The colors. The depth it creates is amazing. Best cam purchase I have ever made from that perspective.

The 1" camcorders like AX100 strike a decent balance I believe in the battle over form factor, recording times, audio needs, and look.

For me, I intend to use my D750 for bridal prep and reception coverage where in my opinion are the best places for the DSLR look.

I believe in regular cams for ceremony coverage, because as solo, I can't be running all over church checking on cameras every 20 minutes. I start rolling the unmanned cameras about 15 minutes before ceremony start time.

Side note, my D750 records 10 minutes at 1080 60p. It does 20 minutes at 1080 24/30p.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 09:43 AM   #11
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Don't you find it difficult to mix your d750 footage with your videocamera's? I try not to mix them and only shoot a ceremony with videocamera's only but use my dslr's for other parts of the day, the look is often too different.
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Old April 28th, 2015, 01:14 PM   #12
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

I prefer mainly due to image quality and the fact that you can get shots that you cannot easily achieve with say a larger camera. :)
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Old April 29th, 2015, 05:33 AM   #13
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Thank you all very much for your advice.
I can see now why so many of you use DSLRs.

My thoughts were to buy a stabilizer for my camera and if possible capture additional clips, to what I would already have, say during the photo session etc.

Steve, you suggested the RX10.
I did a search on this forum for the RX10 and see it got good reviews.
What about a lens for it? does it come with one fitted?

Thank you all again, that is most helpful.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 06:20 AM   #14
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

I use them because of this pic from a screen grab. Not possible with a camcorder unless SONYea-50 C100/300.
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Old April 29th, 2015, 06:40 AM   #15
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Re: Why do some of you use DSLRs?

Thanks Steve, it definitely is a very useful bit of kit to have.

thank you.
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