Has anyone moved from Vegas to Premiere? at DVinfo.net
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Old March 14th, 2015, 08:08 AM   #1
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Has anyone moved from Vegas to Premiere?

I have to fork out for some software here. I've been a Vegas user for four years. But when it comes to potentially forking out a fair few hundred, I want to decide if i should just bite the bullet and learn Premiere.

I just don't want to though. I've briefly tried before, but it was a pain and i went back to Vegas. I guess its about what you are used to, but Vegas just seems to do things in a logical way.

It's all the little things which Im sure can be solved but put me off straight away - like no thumbnails on the timeline clips - seriously? I want to visualise what's happening please!

I guess I found that I was learning new tips and trciks even in my 4th year of Vegas. things that really help too. Its a long process, and I'm not sure I want to be STILL leaning the tips and tricks of premiere four years from now.

Anyone feel like telling me its totally worth the effort and i should definitely switch??

As I'm sure you all know, its busy being a wedding videographer. Is it worth it to take time to learn something new, and risk your edits being slower as you get up to speed?
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Old March 14th, 2015, 02:11 PM   #2
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Sydney, Australia
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Re: Has anyone moved from Vegas to Premiere?

Premiere now does have thumbnails on the timeline!

As to whether it's worth it... Well, Premiere makes sense for me mainly because I'm also going to use Photoshop and After Effects, occasionally by dynamic link, and I do use the other programs from time to time as well.

I've had a lot of issues with the very latest version of Premiere though -- CC 2014. I've reverted to plain CC. Very buggy, at least on my system: lots of crashing, and a terrible flickering issue that shows up in different ways and can cost you days of work.

I've no experience of Vegas, but I think that, for weddings, most of what I'm doing in Premiere could be done in any program. Only real exceptions are: (1) transcoding -- Premiere has traditionally been good at playing everything natively, no transcoding needed, but probably the others have caught up by now; (2) warp stabiliser effect -- drag and drop stabilisation without mucking around with After Effects or purchasing a third party like Mercalli. Maybe Vegas has such an effect now (I think FCP does); (3) multicam editing is a godsend, but presumably Vegas can do the same (FCP can).
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