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Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old January 15th, 2016, 08:39 AM   #16
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Posts: 1,546
Re: Filming on smartphones

After playing around with an iPhone 5S for a bit recently, I have decided to experiment a little more and am currently developing a workflow using FilmiC Pro app which gives full manual control, a RAV filehub wireless card reader, a couple of Sandisk 80MBs 32GB SDHC cards which were unaccountably for sale in Tesco for less than half of their price on Amazon, and since all this is a bit hard on the iPhone battery, a serious (20000mAh) charging pack to keep it all going.

I now have 64GB of external storage in addition to the 16GB I have managed to free up on the phone itself. Since FilmiC Pro can record at up to 50mbs instead of the usual iPhone 24mbs, I will probably need it.

The main limitation will be me I suspect.
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Old January 15th, 2016, 08:57 AM   #17
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Crookston, MN
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Re: Filming on smartphones

Originally Posted by Steve Burkett View Post
Iphones maybe getting smarter, but they'd have to be on the level of Stephen Hawking to combat some guests stupidity when it comes to filming with them.
Hahahaha, I was going to say they are a wide angle, like a GoPro, so will lack intimacy of a good zoom lens, but I like your way of laying it all out much better.

Heck, my wife used to shoot with me, and even after 40 weddings, will still commit many of the sins you just listed. Mostly the zooming in, zooming out, zooming in, zooming out....all during the same reading. Or, my favorite, how many minutes of random little kids running around an empty dance floor during dinner does a person need?
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