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Old March 16th, 2015, 03:06 PM   #31
Inner Circle
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Re: Adding Movement

Excellent coaching Chris! I typically use a fixed object that I try to keep at one spot in the frame as I walk, wife probably wouldn't appreciate taping the walls! You can practice "slider" and "roundy rounds" similarly. It's rather tricky to "glide" without looking awkward, but that's what you're trying for.... like a ninja cat!

Noa's footage looked quite good, and with Mercali was pretty darn convincing as a "steadicam op". I did note the little "twist" around the vertical axis in the original - I've found that somehow is introduced when I use only one hand, two seems to stop it, I've no idea why! That's where the bearings on "the real thing" come into play and hopefully stop that altogether, but I'm at the point a monopod is "close enough" and far more convenient... the technique just takes practice and concentration!
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Old March 17th, 2015, 04:02 PM   #32
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Re: Adding Movement

Thanks Chris

I had my first practice with the Monopod yesterday before I read this, I was terrible lol. There are some good tips that you have suggested, many thanks

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Old March 18th, 2015, 12:40 AM   #33
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Re: Adding Movement

Phil have a look at this video from Still Motion, some really good ideas

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Old March 18th, 2015, 02:56 AM   #34
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Re: Adding Movement

Thanks Andrew that was helpful

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Old March 18th, 2015, 11:02 PM   #35
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Re: Adding Movement

Interesting points of view on the monopod, I am going to get mine out and see what new things I can do with it.
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Old March 21st, 2015, 01:26 PM   #36
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Re: Adding Movement

Originally Posted by Chris Harding View Post
Hi Steve

Ripoffs or not the Wieldy system which seems to use the CAME-TV vest is a cut above the rest ... in fact when I bought it the seller asked if I minded that the logo plate on the vest was missing. However the Wieldy logos are all over the carbon fibre sled but the dual arm has no decals on it either.

I was under the impression that one factory would make the gear and simply brand it to whoever wants to retail it ... It is however miles better than the Indian ones which also come in a dozen different flavours and certainly is the nicest rig I have ever flown (it's my 7th!!!!) I did go the gimbal electronic route but as Noa says it only corrects over 3 axis (like a handheld stedicam sled only. You need the arm and springs to take out the walking and bouncing.

Hi Chris,

I am not questioning anyone's choice of gear. I did find it funny that Came had the warning up about fakes considering who they are. When I buy gear I do try to take into consideration who is getting my money. But the world has changed and things are complicated. The Mom and Pop shops don't even exist anymore. When it comes to Steadycam stuff I get it. When one of my big jobs requires true motion I hire the pro with the high end stuff. That guy would NEVER be me even if I owned that kind of rig, I don't have that level of skill at it. But, like you, I also do small SPC jobs and it is all in my hands. It would not make any sense at all for me to spend more money that I would ever make just to add a few moving shots. So I just ordered a Chinese vest and arm for my Black Bird. Not my first choice of a a way to go but a realistic choice for a small operator like me. The video production bar is quite high for all of us these days. Even as a SPC we are now expected to have the Hollywood motion and big time look in our videos. It is keep up or die. I must learn this new rig because fewer clients are willing to pay for the real pro that specializes in it. If you can't beat um...join um!

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old March 21st, 2015, 05:22 PM   #37
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Re: Adding Movement

Some great points, Steven. We are constantly trying to do the best we can with limited budgets. Someone else always has a bigger budget, so keeping up is very difficult. Imagine a full length feature shot by one guy who performed all of the roles most feature films require. Yet, each of us wants our feature, or "mini-feature" to be as good.

The documentary travel series, "Deaprtures" was presumably shot mostly by one guy with a steadicam-vest set-up. Hard to believe, considering some of the shots. Still, even with a limited film crew, they did a great job.
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Old March 21st, 2015, 07:04 PM   #38
Inner Circle
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Re: Adding Movement

Hey Steve

The actual reason I even looked at it was some guy on the stedicam forum needed to replace the vest on his Pilot and did a quick review on the CAME vest as a possible temporary solution. He ended up keeping it as it was so well made. I was able to shed close to 5kg from my Indian rig by replacing it with the lighter and better made unit and that's a big deal for me!

I'm currently looking to replace my wireless mics with 2.4GB systems and I have two choices ...I can buy a Chinese Boya system for $128.00 OR I can get an Audio Technica System 10 for $599.00

Guess which one I will buy??? BTW: If you even thought about the cheaper one you would have been wrong!! I'm sure the $128 one actually works but audio is a big deal for me so the choice has to be an established brand with professional user endorsements.

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