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Old March 20th, 2014, 04:11 AM   #1
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GH4 Wedding Video

So, the GH4 samples and hands on reviews are piling in now.

What do we think?

Heres a wedding specific example.

The guy isn’t the best camera operator in fairness.

Shot at 4k, delivered in 1080.

For me, the fact it has very little moire and aliasing and zebras and focus peaking is almost enough as it is nevermind 4k.

4k is reported as being a little under 1minute per GB. So I doubt I would shoot full service and speeches in 4k.

But everything else - possibly!
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Old March 20th, 2014, 05:49 AM   #2
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

It seemed to be a clouded sky so no harsh highlights to deal with but it looked like nice clean and sharp image, the only thing I would worry about is how it would match with my other camera's, if it would be too sharp (even as downconverted 1080p) I couldn't use this camera in combination with my other not 4k ones and I don't plan to upgrade all my camera to 4k for at least another few years, so that's something to consider.

Like I said in another gh4 thread is that this camera still is a dslr, still no ND's, no inbuild stabilisation like the Olympus omd series have, no stepless exposure changes (unless you get some samyang cinelenses but then you"ll loose autofocus, lensstabilisation).

This camera is a good evolution of a already great camera, the zebra's, possibility to crop the footage (but from what I have seen so far the footage just seems softer when you do that) and better low light performance (which they claim is better but I'd like to see a comparison at 6400 iso between the gh3/4) are 3 of the main features that could justify me to get a gh4 body only.

But honestly, at this moment I"d prefer just my gh3 in combination with the sony rx10, that last one has a nd and stepless exposure changes, stabilisation, zebra's, good incamera sound etc, I have been complaining a lot about the slow zoom but it does have a wide to long constant f-stop reach so you don't need to switch lenses (well you can't :) but at least you got a focal length choice), it only can't do very shallow dof shots like you can with a f1.4 lens. if you deliver in 1080p I"m sure the rx10 can deliver a image close to what you see in that weddingvideo but it does have the advantage of having features and functionality a "real" videocamera has.

At this moment I would be happier even with a Olympus omd em10 and it's 3 axis camera stabilization, that would be more useful for me currently then 4k, even if it only could do 30p and has a not so great codec, but for any smooth stable closeups and beautyshots handheld with a 75mm prime or macro lens due to its in camera stabilization, that would be a function in camera I could use more then all those extra pixels.

Last edited by Noa Put; March 20th, 2014 at 11:57 AM.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 11:21 AM   #3
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

I'd really like to see some graded footage (I hope footage isn't graded).

The camera's clarity and sharpness is great and all but the footage looks too clean. The footage still looks like dslr footage and the dynamic range is very poor.

Also would like to see the low light capabilities of the camera.
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Old March 20th, 2014, 11:56 AM   #4
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

The footage still looks like dslr footage
Maybe that's because the gh4 is a dslr? :)
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Old March 20th, 2014, 06:27 PM   #5
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

Yeah I know but they've been pushing the whole 4K thing like it's going to revolutionize the way DSLRs shoot video. 4K doesn't change much except in brand name if the footage can't be pushed beyond cropping, especially with a $3,000 price point. I guess it would sell to consumers though :)
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Old March 21st, 2014, 12:40 AM   #6
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

the quality is stunning. no maybes and no buts. The colleague must be a still photographer, the clip is fresh , even if he was "trying too hard" with the wides and the slider, the stills "philosophy" of telling the story, but the quality is (simply put) stunning. Like another poster said it will probably match only another GH4 for multiple. But from that quality there is no coming back. it's a new era, people : way ahead of my EX1 (not even close) , better than my ea50 , in another planet compared to the small sensors (all of them). Now if we distribute on DVD then I believe that the quality will still be stunning, on blur-ray as well , on youtube of course , on private flash cards just MP4 and still stunning.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 01:02 AM   #7
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

Originally Posted by Edward Calabig View Post
I guess it would sell to consumers though :)
You can always put a 4k sticker onto your camera :)

the quality is stunning. no maybes and no buts.
Agreed but I thought Dan's footage of the rx10 ( looked just as good and that's "only" 1080p and has a smaller sensor, I still want to see some footage in other more demanding light, the wedding sample was shot in a perfect environment for any camera, a cloudy sky that blocks any direct sunlight.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 01:45 AM   #8
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

I can't believe this video is being used as official Panasonic promotion.

0:17 slider shot - is he focussed on the reflected over exposed chandelier rather that the dress???
0:25 zipper shot - really dull and underexposed
0:59 bride/groom meetup - he skipped her turning around. A mistake was obviously made that had to be taken out
1:26 pull down to the car - some left/right jolts either by camera operator or a poor stabiliser plugin interpreting something wrongly.
1:32 highlights very blown out! The GH4 has zebras right? He could have at least tried to do SOMETHING with it in post.
1:40 table top shots again all seem a little dull

I don't think this has been graded at all. Perhaps because the guy doesn't have the expertise. Perhaps because Panasonic want to be honest about what they are selling.

In fairness, on Zacuto, the Panasonic rep said he didn't want to give the impression the GH4 would have fantastic range. I certainly wasn't expecting it anyway.

Like Noa, I wan't to see low light stuff and some comparisons.

Noa, if you want it to match, maybe it would match ok with the Sony AX100?
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Old March 21st, 2014, 02:10 AM   #9
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

I noticed these user errors as well, not exactly good demo material but some shots outside did look stunning, but like you said a bit weird that this is used as a panasonic promo. Maybe they wanted to bring something out in a hurry to get weddingvideographers ordering the camera.

About the camera matching with the sony, I have no idea as I have not shot with any 4k camera. It is just something that would worry me, I guess for people that use Canon 5d/7d alike camera's should have a reason to worry, even though they do have a nice look it's no secret the image is softer and lacks fine detail, unless you'd start shooting in raw with the ml hack but that's not an easy workflow for weddings. It's something to consider when moving to 4k to be sure your 1080p camera's will match up.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 02:22 AM   #10
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

Its all starting to bother me a little. Even my 6D is looking soft these days and leaving me feeling under quality. My 550D is nearly unbearably soft.

But the file size is the thing that is most concerning for me.

But tbh, I'd only go 4k for consumer work and selective parts of the day. For the vast majority of my wedding dvd product I wouldn't be worried about 4k.

But I would like my highlights to be that level of quality.
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Old March 21st, 2014, 02:34 AM   #11
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

I shot with a 550d as well and compared to my sony cx730 the resolution difference is apparent, my panasonic gh3 produces a sharper image then my sony cx and my sony rx10 is about the same as my gh3/g6. Currently I only use my 2 sony cx730 together but I happily mix my rx10/gh3/g6 footage together without any problems. Probably a 4k GH4 would do fine as well when used in a 1080p project but a raw 4k file I used recently did not play realtime in my nle so that wouldn't be fun editing, but you could always shoot 1080p with the gh4. I will let it pass for the time being and see what other weddingshooters do with it.
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Old March 23rd, 2014, 08:13 AM   #12
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

Im not convinced all this sharpness and 4k is the way to go for weddings.
Espcially the closeup shots on a brides face (imagine 4k closup of the last bride you worked withs face on a 50 inch screen)
I like the lack of sharpness and detail my 5Dmk3 gives me. Its just about right I feel.
Combined with the shallow DOF of full frame I feel it just might be making brides look as good as they can look , and any better detail could in effect be counter productive.
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Old March 23rd, 2014, 08:33 AM   #13
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

You" be using blur filters to smooth out all those imperfections in her face for sure in 4K. :)
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Old March 23rd, 2014, 12:02 PM   #14
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

Originally Posted by Ger Griffin View Post
Im not convinced all this sharpness and 4k is the way to go for weddings.
Espcially the closeup shots on a brides face (imagine 4k closup of the last bride you worked withs face on a 50 inch screen)
I like the lack of sharpness and detail my 5Dmk3 gives me. Its just about right I feel.
Combined with the shallow DOF of full frame I feel it just might be making brides look as good as they can look , and any better detail could in effect be counter productive.

The dreamy look is what sells in my opinion .... everyone wants to look good in video. Nobody wants their imperfections amplified.
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Old March 23rd, 2014, 07:53 PM   #15
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Re: GH4 Wedding Video

I know this has been said before but i think its very important. How many clients are going to be searching out 4k video, realistically? I have been filming professionally for almost two years now and have yet to sell a wedding film on blu-ray! People hardly invest in a blu-ray player let alone a 4k set up.

I was far from impressed with the footage from the gh4, the operator definitely didn't do the camera any favours either! I believe it is in many videographer's nature to over analyze the video we produce. Is upgrading all equipment to 4k standards going to get you more clients at a higher price? Not likely. A good camera operator who can predict where he needs to be, at the time he needs to be there, with the right focal length, and sharp focus. That camera operator will be the one attracting clients.
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