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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old January 27th, 2014, 07:24 PM   #16
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Re: Event/wedding feedback

Regardless of how you decide to handle changes, and if you will allow them or not, I would highly recommend a "change-order" clause in your contract. You can set the bar wherever you want, but basically, the change-order clause states that the client understands what the product will be upon signing, and if they later decide they want changes, those changes fall outside of the contract and you are not obligated to execute them (unless you want to, for more money).

My standard contract for commercial work is one change-order free, the following at an hourly rate.

Good luck!
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Old January 27th, 2014, 07:30 PM   #17
Inner Circle
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Re: Event/wedding feedback

Hi Diana

Don't be over critical of your own work ..it's probably way better than what the bride expected anyway. remember brides look at the content and not the technical issues. Your standard is already a lot better than most I bet so you are beating yourself up for nothing.

I have done stedicam shoots in really pathetic locations in the heat of the day and felt somewhat uneasy about the clip overall but delivered it anyway only to have the bride come back and say "I watched the photoshoot 10 times and cried every time!" Don't try to understand brides - just capture the day and she will be delighted!

Shoot and edit the wedding, present it professionally and you simply won't have any comebacks !

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Old January 27th, 2014, 09:49 PM   #18
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Re: Event/wedding feedback

I enjoy input BEFORE the edit. For instance, the wedding we just shot, she sent me a link to her friend's wedding video (from out of state) and said what she liked about it. It's similar to what we do, with a few modest changes. No problem.

After the edit, it had better be a good reason for me to make changes. Obvious mistakes, like Don mentions, will get fixed. The perfectionist in me recently had a better idea AFTER I had posted the 20 minute wedding film online, so I did a new version and reposted.

I have NOT made changes for a client, though, except once (24 weddings, just a smidge behind Don). A bride let me know that I had inadvertently featured a young lady at the dance whom she could not stand, and could I take her out? Absolutely. Because of the way I save my files, it took 5 minutes in the edit, and then I left the computer to render over night - done.
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