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Old September 4th, 2013, 12:31 PM   #16
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Re: Is this really necessary!!!

Originally Posted by Peter Riding View Post
The shooters look to me like they are trying to be too clever. The far one has a radio trigger on his flash and both cams appear to be set to shutter priority (to avoid putting the guns into high speed sync mode and then loosing range). The 1st shooters radio trigger may have been set to fire the 2nd shooters flash as fill light on the 2nd shooter holding the kit momentarily in an appropriate position. I would expect them to have been doing off camera lighting in other parts of the day.
I downloaded the JPG & looked very carefully. They are both using AV mode i.e. aperture priority. I suspect that it is exactly what it looks like. One or possibly two semi-competent photographers both trying to get the same shot because neither one trusts the other not to fluff it.
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Old September 4th, 2013, 01:56 PM   #17
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Re: Is this really necessary!!!

Sorry but Photoshop CS6 at 400% says the near cam is on Shutter Priority :- ) The far camera is too indistinct to tell. It probably should be set on Shutter Priority as that trigger cannot deal with high speed sync so he would need to manually top out the maximum shutter speed at 1/200th or whatever that body does to avoid masive overexposure.

I disagree with other posters that its a confidence thing. A lot of part timers and hobbyists have built up advanced technical knowledge - its just applying it in a wedding environment that pressures them. They get the wrong information from seminar lecturer has-beens and never-weres that they should apply all these techniques to differentiate themselves from the competition.

It more to do with appearing to be busy when in full view of the paying clients.

A picture tells a thousand words and never more so than in this case - thanks Pete. If ever a photo illustrated better the fact that having 2 photographers is a bad idea I have yet to see it.

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