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Old August 31st, 2013, 12:55 PM   #1
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Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

Might be looking for a monitor to have on my camera so I can get a better sense of shots. Sometimes what I see on my 5d LCD and later on my iMac feel totally different.

Any recommendations or experience with this setup? Does a monitor sitting on top make things too cumbersome for run and gun stuff such as weddings? I mostly use a monopod and try to travel light and quick.

Saw this for an inexpensive one:
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Old August 31st, 2013, 03:33 PM   #2
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

I think the SmallHD 4" is a great companion to the 5DM2. It's what I had on mine. The SmallHD Focus scheme is better/faster than normal peaking. You can get it with a loupe and it supports a plethora of battery types.

That said, you've chosen a DSLR form factor. Any external monitor you attach to that style camera is going to be clunky (it will not feel solid like a proper camcorder). That's why they cost so much less. TINSTAFL
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Old August 31st, 2013, 07:02 PM   #3
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

the weak part is the hotshoe mount, i have a field monitor that i was using last week and while moving the camera (DSLR) it fell off, luckily enough it only fell a short distance onto a couch, if it was outdoors it would have been smashed to pieces.

the one i have is a Lilliput Monitor 2013 Lilliput 663 7″ HDMI IPS LCD Video Monitor CheesyCam

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Old August 31st, 2013, 07:27 PM   #4
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

7 inch Portable HD 1280x800 Car IPS LCD Monitor DIY with HDMI AV VGA | eBay
I have one of these and it's superb
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Old September 2nd, 2013, 10:07 PM   #5
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

Originally Posted by Travis Wilber View Post
Sometimes what I see on my 5d LCD and later on my iMac feel totally different. Any recommendations or experience with this setup? Does a monitor sitting on top make things too cumbersome for run and gun stuff such as weddings?
Hey Travis, some quick thoughts:

* In what way is the image different at home from the LCD? More out of focus than you realised? More noise than was obvious? More shake? Highlights brighter than you realised?

To be honest, I think if it's any of the above, it's just a case of getting used to how what you see translates into what you get, and I think any camera poses the same sort of problem. I doubt you absolutely need a monitor, and every piece of gear you can do without is probably a good thing.

One thing that can help even out the difference between LCD and home: the LCD brightness of 5Ds can be switched from manual to auto. I've got mine set to manual, so that the brightness level doesn't change.

* The HDMI cable can easily slip out when you're using a monitor (not to mention tangled into things). When it does, the recording stops. There are ways around this problem -- for instance, it's possible to purchase HDMI locks.

* If you mount a monitor on top of the camera, that might mess with the best height for taking shots. I mean, if you have the monitor level with your eye, the camera's lens is now around chest or neck height. One way around this (also with problems) is using something like a Zacuto DSLR baseplate to attach a monitor next to the LCD screen rather than above it.

* Whether the whole top-mounted monitor is too cumbersome... Probably not, to be honest.

The boot-up time might or might not be annoying; if you just leave the monitor on most of the time, it should be fine.

The weight of it will mean it falls off the hotshoe a lot more often than a shotgun mic might, as Rob's pointed out, and you also might find it constantly twists around into non-optimal positions. Depends how much you run around and swing that camera around and what sorts of crazy things you do with it. Do you ever invert the camera, or stick it out of car windows, or lift it up to the ceiling to see over people's heads? A monitor might be a problem in any of these scenarios.

Only way to tell -- go ahead and try it!
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Old September 4th, 2013, 12:32 PM   #6
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

I haven't used it besdies on an interview once but I used my Google Nexus 7. It's phenomenal and makes me wonder why people wouldn't use that instead of a dedicated monitor? You then also have a totally usable tablet.
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Old November 1st, 2013, 03:38 PM   #7
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

Wait... You can Use the Nexus as a monitor? I did not realize. I had assumed that they had no input as with the Apple devices. This would be great if so. While technically possible of course, I had assumed that all the tablets and phones restricted this for some unknown reason.

Apple stuff is the most locked down of all, but I would love a way to use an iPhone as a monitor. The DSLR monitors are just a bit too small for my eyes. Most of the purpose built monitors like the Ikans are pretty bulky. I have even seen them mounted to camera shoes, wondering how long before that gets whacked off.

I'd gladly pay for a widget that would make this possible.
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Old November 4th, 2013, 12:52 PM   #8
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Re: Suggestions for on-camera monitors?

I have a WiFi adapter that i can put on one of my Sony cams and i can control from my Android 10" tablet, its good for remote cams that are up high or in places that you might not be able to get at quickly.

However phones and tablets are limited compared to the Liliput I have, this has Peaking, Zebra and a Histogram, so works well with my 5D, I usually only deploy it in the non running and gunning areas as it can easily fall off if your not careful, see my post above.
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