What questions to ask client when they call? at DVinfo.net
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Old September 16th, 2011, 11:02 AM   #1
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What questions to ask client when they call?

I searched for this on Google but I found a lot of results about what the bride is supposed to ask the videographer, but not specifically what I want to know, which is what are the basic questions to start a conversation with a customer that calls asking for a wedding shoot, or when you have to call a customer that sent you an email. Some are obvious, such as if they want just the ceremony or party as well, where and when is it going to be, outdoors or indoors, how long, etc, but I'm wondering what are the kinds of questions that might make one look more professional and experienced to the client. Basically I'm trying to make a list that I will have in front of me when somebody calls or when I have to call them.


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Old September 16th, 2011, 11:37 AM   #2
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

The mere fact she is contacting you means, she saw your website, likes your work and basically wants to re-affirm that she will be making the right choice.

Here's my sales script.

1. Congratulate her. Bride is excited about her wedding, congratulating her instantly connects her with you.

2. Where is the ceremony being held? Is it a Catholic wedding? etc, etc. When she mentions the church, tell her you have worked there in the past (if you did). Ask her if she talked to the priest about restrictions, if not tell her you would be happy to talk to the priest and take that off her plate.

3. What time is the ceremony? If its 2:00 pm, tell her that I also shoot the Bride prep and need 1 hour, I need to be at your place around 11:00 am. This tells her that you have done it so many times before.

4. Ask where the park shoot will be? If you have shot there make sure you mention it. Again compliment her about her choice. That's a beautiful park Sally, shot so many weddings there.

5. Where's the reception being held. If it is an hour drive from the park. Tell her the time constraint involve. Some brides have not factored that in. They will be thankfull for mentioning this to them.

6. Ask her how long you want me to stay.

7. Review the entire conversation with her. That means you are paying attention. Then go for the closing. When would be the best time to sit down with you and go over the agreement.

7. Finally ask her if she has secured a photog, cake maker, DJ, etc. This is a fantastic opportunity to give business to your network, chances are they'll do the same to you.

My 2 cents.
Noel Lising
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Old September 16th, 2011, 01:43 PM   #3
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

Thanks Noel, that is a very good script.
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Old September 16th, 2011, 06:48 PM   #4
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

Hi Noel

That's very concise. I'm a bit lazy!! I sit down and say to her "Tell me about your wedding"

Brides absolutely love someone who will ask that as the hubby-to-be has already lost interest in the event and she is delighted that someone is showing interest....while she talks (ladies LOVE a good listener!) I just add missing details to my spec sheet and that normally answers all my questions as most brides are super-organised!!

I usually also need to find out when the rehearsal is too !!

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Old September 17th, 2011, 03:08 AM   #5
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

Withdrawn with apologies to all, I should have re-read the script before shooting off. I missed the caveats.

Last edited by George Kilroy; September 17th, 2011 at 07:07 AM.
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Old September 17th, 2011, 05:25 AM   #6
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

Originally Posted by George Kilroy View Post
Good advice though I'd cut the bullsh... and lying out of my discussion with any potential client. A certainty to put me off dealing with a salesman is detecting that they are not truthful in what they are saying to me.
This industry abounds with unprofessional and unethical people, don't give clients reasons to claim that that is the norm.
Who said it was lying? I'm genuinely interested in the couple's wedding and their story. Thus my reason for doing weddings in the first place. Even if I'm not enthralled by every single thing the bride has to say, I still at least act interested.

That's not "lying," "unprofessional," or "unethical" -- it's being courteous and making a connection.
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Old September 17th, 2011, 05:41 AM   #7
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Re: What questions to ask client when they call?

Hi George

Dunno if you were referring to Noel's script but I certainly wouldn't say "I have done tons of weddings at....", when I haven't but Noel just might have done plenty of shoots at the place the bride has chosen.

As already mentioned I let her talk and add a comment if it's relevant only...if she is having the photos at a venue I have worked at and like I will tell her so, otherwise I say nothing.

I do have a pretty comprehensive website so more often than not, the bride has already decided and my visit is purely to establish timings and get more details of the day. Like Corey I'm genuinely interested ..the more I know the better I can plan but it's very seldom that I actually have to be a salesman as her call to me is usually along the lines of "can we book and do the paperwork?"

I certainly don't think that any of us deliberately tell "un-truths" to get the job!! As I sometimes tell the bride, I'm a videographer not a salesman!!

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