GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony? at
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Old July 29th, 2011, 09:08 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

The Canon 135mm F/2.0 lens is used by some on full-framed Canons for weddings ceremonies. Both the FD and EF mounts are great lenses. But is anyone using one of these on a GH2 (with it's 2x crop factor)?

I do have a 135mm but have never used it at a ceremony, but am rethinking this in light of just having learned about the existence of the 135mm F/2.0.

The reason I'm asking, if I already have a 135mm? a. I've never used it for weddings. b. I am looking at a f/2.0 version, and while not expensive, it's not cheap either ($500).

Just kicking this around, would like some feedback if you have some.

To clarify, I would end up with a 270mm effective lens.

So if you are shooting with any prime close to that angle, your feedback would be most welcome also, regardless of what you're shooting with. The usefulness of the lens would vary by venue of course, but I really want this lens, for some reason, and will probably get it either way, but am hoping someone will tell me that my idea is brilliant and that I'm about to make a fantastic purchase!
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Old July 29th, 2011, 10:40 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

I recently bought a Canon EOS 135mm F2.0L lens & it is amazingly good. & very, very sharp. As there is no decent EF to MFT adaptor I haven't been able to use it on my GH2 but it is great on my 5D Mk II or 600D (T3i) where it is effectively a 200mm F2 lens because of the 1.6X crop factor. It's more expensive than the 200mm F/2.8L which obviously has 50% greater reach but that extra stop of aperture can make all the difference in a dark interior.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 10:51 AM   #3
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

Thanks Nigel, I'm looking at the FD mount, non L version, so adapter won't be an issue for me. I'm thinking of going ahead. It's a fast lens for the length no matter how you look at it!
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Old July 29th, 2011, 11:27 AM   #4
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

I bought a Zeiss 135 f2.8 and had forgotten about the 2X crop factor until I looked through the viewfinder. I was in my home and had pointed the cam, with the new Zeiss on it, at the house across the street, and only could get the doorway in the frame. Talk about a Homer Simpson moment, "D'OH" !!! :-)
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Old July 29th, 2011, 11:50 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

So Chip, you used it for a wedding yet? I must take mine into a church and test it.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 07:08 PM   #6
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

Jeff go test it, best way to see what the crop does to a 135mm.

From where the cam was in my house to the outside was 3'. From outside to the street is 18'. The street is 36' wide and the house across the street is set back about 35'. I would say all I got was about a 10' x 10' frame, at best, of the doorway. When I bought the Zeiss I wanted something more "portrait" oriented, so I sold the Zeiss as I didn't see it doing what I wanted it to do. It would probably make a great back of the church lens. But at the time, for the money, I needed other things first.
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Old July 29th, 2011, 08:56 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

I did take it out early this afternoon, and I'll tell you when I used the crop mode, it was crazy long, really amazing! It is a fun lens. I've used the F/2.8 for outdoor stuff and it has a really nice look, I love it for shooting couples from a distance while they walk, it's niiiice.

I will play with it next shoot wedding and hold off on the new one, though I want it now.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 08:20 AM   #8
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

Jeff, I use the 135mm 2.0 on my Canon 60D. It's great for the ceremony and toasts. I can get tight in low light situations without having to stand so close to the subject. I definitely recommend it.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 09:35 AM   #9
Inner Circle
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

Thanks Michael, I'm debating now, I'm thinking about the Rokinon 85mm F/1.4 as well. It is effectively 170mm on the GH2. Ideally I'd want both, but is 170mm more useful or 270mm? It will depend on the venue of course.

I don't have a wedding today, I'm going to go out and find a few churches and play with the 135mm f/2.5 and see how it looks.

The most "fun" purchase I'm looking at right now is a 7mm fisheye, which I had meant to purchase a long time ago and forgot about, but that will be very cool also.
"The horror of what I saw on the timeline cannot be described."

Last edited by Jeff Harper; July 30th, 2011 at 12:10 PM.
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Old July 30th, 2011, 03:59 PM   #10
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Re: GH2 and 135 F/2.0, anyone using for ceremony?

The Rok 85 f1.4 just friggin' rocks !!!!

Shot from a block and a half away and f1.4 was too over exposed for 2:50 AM !!!

Check out Garry Hanna's stuff too. He has used it for a number of projects and makes it look fantastic !!!

Just got the Rok 8mm Fisheye yesterday...the jury is still out on that one.
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