A major problem with wedding still photographers originates with the way there earn their money. If print sales are important to make the day worth the assignment then watch out- nothing will get in between them and a chance to sell a few cake/toast/garter pictures to the bride after the honeymoon. When I covered weddings single picture sales was not the way I made a buck. There are many ways to get a meaningful cake/toast/garter picture without blocking the quests or vidphotog from seeing it too.
Nothing pleased me more when a mother-in-law came up to me and would say- “Where were you? Why didn’t you take that picture?” Or a bride looking over the proofs- “We didn’t think anyone saw that. We didn’t see you there.” In life you must give up control to gain control.
But it will be interesting to see what happens when I video shoot a wedding.
"The Light is the melody, the Motion is the lyrics..."