"Our video budget depends on what's left after we hire our photographer ..." at DVinfo.net
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Old February 9th, 2011, 04:59 PM   #1
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"Our video budget depends on what's left after we hire our photographer ..."

How many of you guys have experienced / heard this before? A couple of prospects we met this year stated this during our meeting even after being impressed with our work...even after trying to seek a reasonable compromise, i finally had to refuse the jobs. fortunately we have the privilege of refusing clients given that we can only do 10 weddings a year..... I wonder though how much longer do video have to be in the "pricing mercy" of photographers?
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Old February 9th, 2011, 05:03 PM   #2
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got an email 3 minutes ago from a bride stating this..
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Old February 9th, 2011, 06:23 PM   #3
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We used to get something like :

"we spent so much on our photographers that we haven't got much left for our video"

but we don't get those anymore. We even sometimes get something like this:

Us: "Have you got your photographer yet?"
couple: "Not yet"
Us: "Do you want us to recommend you some?"
couple: "yes sure but we dont want to spend a lot on photography.. videography is more important for us"

so, dont worry. things are changing. There are still people who are not valuing videography as much but there are also people who thinks otherwise. Just keep on doing great work and results will come by itself

My 2 cents :)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what about motion picture?
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Old February 9th, 2011, 06:48 PM   #4
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Allow me to interject more optimism.

Increasingly, I see my clients have compromised on the photography budget. I see more and more people referred to me placing a greater value on video. And going back to last year, I think the last 6 or 7 weddings I did in 2010, I think all those photographers were in the $1K range - my prices start at $2500.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 07:19 PM   #5
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Kren, take heart. Sometimes it can be really tough to be in our industry, but times are definitely changing. How long until we're at the forefront of the average bride's mind? Hard to say, but I think we've got another 10 years or so. The industry has changed drastically in the past decade but it's going to take a generation for everyone else to appreciate that. Hang in there. It gets better every day.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 09:37 PM   #6
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On one of my wedding job I have a couple who don't even have a photographer at all.. and on another wedding I've been, they even had 2 videographers (I was tagging along) and no photographer at all!

So I agree, the industry is changing thanks to the wonderful videographers around who have started to change the perspective of a wedding video. I am starting to meet some couple who appreciated video much more than I would've thought.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 09:37 PM   #7
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In the past 6 months I have received inquiries straight after their engagement and not even a date set, when I asked have you looked at a venue,photog etc... they haven't even looked at that but came to me first asking and repeating scenarios have happened.

I think this proves that things are changing big time, but you do need to target your business at the type of clients you want.

It also really depends when they have come across your work, sometimes it is too late and they want the video but they have already way over spent and just contacting you just in case they can squeeze it in. In previous years it was just an after thought but now couples are starting to get the "Oh I am going to miss out" mentality about video which is a big change from what it was thought of as something extra to get rather then a need to get. And some will stretch their budget some wont..which is fine thats the way it works.

I think if you get a comment like that, I would say no as their priority is not on video and do not value it as much as photo which in turn wouldn't be the ideal client.
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Old February 9th, 2011, 09:49 PM   #8
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Attitudes are definitely changing. And it's the work of higher end shooters that are pushing the change. I aspire to this myself, yet have a ways to go.

One big advantage to doing (higher end) bridal shows is that brides tend to plan waaay ahead. So it gives them a chance to look at options before committing big bucks to stills and having little left for motion.
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Old February 10th, 2011, 04:34 AM   #9
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It is not changing in England, i have just lost 4 video jobs with the bride saying we have no budget left after booking the photographer, that why i have gone into photography to give both options, so if im not booked on the friday or saturday one week then i will take a photography order, hope i can mix the two...
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Old February 10th, 2011, 06:04 AM   #10
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I believe things are changing, were getting to work with some of our fav togs this year as couples came to us first.

Most couples dont put any value in the video at all, it really a nice to have if there is any budget left. But thats because the work out there generally pushed forward that idea. We didnt have a video when we got married because wedding videos were cheesy and boring.

We spend a lot of time trying to create a buzz with brides about the wedding film so it now becomes a must have.
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Old February 10th, 2011, 08:38 AM   #11
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I understand this can be frustrating and I have heard it a few times recently. However, remember this, not all brides are a good fit for you. If a bride comes to you and says that video is just an after thought or nice to have, then she probably doesn't value your video that much.

With that said, you can approach this two ways. You can try to show her the value of video and your product without sounding like a rambler or bragging or you can simply accept that this bride is not a good fit for your company and move along. Sometimes it is better to turn down a client than deal with the headache it may bring for a few measly dollars.

Be confident in your product and aim for those that value your product. It really feels good to have a bride call you and want to book you before she has even settled on a venue. Now thats feeling valued.
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Old February 10th, 2011, 11:16 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Steve Bleasdale View Post
It is not changing in England, i have just lost 4 video jobs with the bride saying we have no budget left after booking the photographer, that why i have gone into photography to give both options, so if im not booked on the friday or saturday one week then i will take a photography order, hope i can mix the two...
I'm in the same situation Steve. It looks like England are worth affected by economic downfall...So I'm starting to offer my photography service as well, but still prefer my video service.

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Old February 10th, 2011, 11:49 AM   #13
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I think the real issue is the expectations of the bride and her family. There is the long standing tradition of the wedding photo being displayed prominently in the home, and often almost a "shrine" to the wedding complete with photo album being set up in a nook or cranny. Seems like its part of the nesting process that occurs naturally for most. They have no desire to have monitor set up there displaying moving images. Many years down the road, the video with people live and moving will be more interesting probably, but that doesn't fit the brides present percieved need.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old February 10th, 2011, 12:00 PM   #14
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Have you guys ever thought of partnering up with a Photographer. I use to offer video only and I was getting killed by Studios who offers both. I always sell it as a package and it saves the Bride time dealing with 2 separate studios. 90% of my bookings are for Photo/Video package.

My 2 cents.
Noel Lising
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Old February 10th, 2011, 12:12 PM   #15
Obstreperous Rex
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That's what our studio did, back in the day. We shared our
downtown space with one of the best wedding photographers
in town. That arrangement brought in almost more work than
we could handle.

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