Has anyone recorded sound off an induction loop at DVinfo.net
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Old January 30th, 2011, 07:59 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Birmingham UK
Posts: 18
Has anyone recorded sound off an induction loop

Was wondering if anyone has tried this. Doing a Jewish wedding later this month. The synagogue does not have a PA. Will have a wireless mike on the groom sending signal to a camera on the balcony. Two cameras one behind hoping to catch the faces of the bride and groom and myself on the floor, shooting straight on, and also catching the family and choir etc.
Just as a sound back up I was wondering if it was possible to record the induction loop they have their for the hard of hearing - I've got a Olypus ls11 and a phono splitter - was wondering if anyone had experience of trying this?
Thanks in advance
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Old January 30th, 2011, 08:56 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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I've got a small loop receiver, but the audio quality is pretty horrible, and movement within the loop changes the audio quality quite a bit.

Adastra Induction Loop Receiver (with belt clip) - Induction Loop System from Inta Audio UK

This is a similar device - but I'd ignore the excellent quality claim. The receiver probably is, but my own experience is that what goes INTO the loop amplifier is often pretty horrible.

In fact, I've discovered on my travels that when the UK Disability Discrimination Act came into force, lots of churches, theatres and public/private locations of all kinds went mad, installing kit with little thought to the people supposed to actually use them. I've even found a few where the microphone intended to feed the system wasn't even connected - and the system had been merrily doing nothing at all for years! They also interfere with guitars quite badly, if they are within the loop. Fender Strats being one popular type that seems very prone to picking up the system and outputting it through the guitar amp. Humbucking Les Paul style pickups are much more immune that single coil types. Lots of churches now feature music as part of their programme, and often the musicians, hearing the problem, sabotage the hearing system and forget to re-enable them!
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Old January 30th, 2011, 08:57 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Unusual to have a loop system without a PA. I wonder if there's a small separate mixer to adjust the input for the loop amp? If so you might find a spare output you could connect to. Failing that, it could be a loop amp fitted with an input stage to connect a mic to directly and if you are lucky, a line out in addition to the actual loop output connections.

Either of these would probably give you better audio than picking up the signal from the loop itself. Never tried to pick up from an inductance loop, usually I'm trying hard trying NOT to pick up stray magnetic fields. :-)
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Old January 30th, 2011, 06:51 PM   #4
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We not only have radio mics but radio remote control for our hothead so we always ask the church at the recce if they have a loop. If they do we add a caveat to our contract and get the clients to request the church disables the loop for the wedding. Better safe than sorry.
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