Looking for a FLIP HD or Panasonic TA1 sized camcorder that shoots in 1080/24P at DVinfo.net
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Old January 21st, 2011, 10:55 PM   #1
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Looking for a FLIP HD or Panasonic TA1 sized camcorder that shoots in 1080/24P

Hey Guys,

I haven't been keeping up with the new slew of camcorders being released, wondering if there is any pocket slim camcorders like the Flip or TA1 that shoots in 1080/24P. Ive seen quite a bit that shoot at 1080/30P but you know..24P and all that jazz ;). 720/24P would also be fine.

Would appreciate any suggestions! Not looking for anything like a GH1 as I could just take my 7D if that was the case. Looking for ultra portable.

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Old January 22nd, 2011, 01:27 AM   #2
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As I was out looking at these and settled on the TA1, I did notice quite a few of them promoted ease of getting the video shot and then uploaded to Youtube, FB etc. Is that maybe the stumbling block to finding one that shoots in 24P ??? I was given a Flip for a project I did and now have purchased a TA1. Both are very simplistic, my assumption because they geared the cams to their probable market.
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Old January 23rd, 2011, 07:02 AM   #3
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How about Canon S95?
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Old January 23rd, 2011, 02:25 PM   #4
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While the picture can be a bit soft with these little cameras, it's actually pretty scary how "good" they are - I shot a bit of concert footage with a Sony DSC-TX7, just cause it was in my pocket anyway... I put it up on a big screen, and was quite pleasantly surpirised by how ell it came out - Sony just announced a successor camera with 1080/60p from a 16.2 MPixel CMOS...

When you consider the "bang for the buck", the equation really begins to be scary...

Not a lot of manual control with these things, but the "auto" functions are highly optimized, and you can't get much more discreet/compact - any smaller, and you'd lose the things or wouldn't be able to fiddle with the minimalist controls at all!

As a practical matter, they are very handy for portability, the price is hard to argue with, and 99.9% of the viewing population will NOT see the "flaws" in the captured footage - the manufacturers are CONSTANTLY improving the image quality and "user friendly/EASY" quotient.

IMO it increasingly comes down to the skill of the "not behinf the camera", not so much the gear. If you KNOW that having a specific angle, even for a few short moments during an event, would add significant production value, these little cameras are a cheap, discreet way of capturing that additional angle/footage, and worth at least considering.
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Old January 24th, 2011, 04:11 PM   #5
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Hey Spiros,

I actually checked out the S95. I think the problem was that it doesn't focus once in video mode, it stays focused on the last thing before you hit record. Maybe it was a problem with the demo model though.

Any other model suggestions for things that shoot in 1080 or 720 24P?

*EDIT* Been reading up on the Panasonic LX5. Only issues I've been finding is the sensor gets "overloaded" with bright lights in the frame and blooms badly.

Last edited by Randy Panado; January 24th, 2011 at 05:01 PM.
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Old January 25th, 2011, 01:28 AM   #6
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LX5 doesn't do 24p either.

I did a quick check at B&H and found out that most P&S do 30p.
Canon has the G12, S95 and SD4500 that shoot @24p the later has a very slow 3.4-5.6 lens.
Most Fuji P&S do 24p but they also have slow zoom lenses and I'm not sure if they perform well, I've never heard anything about them.
Panasonic has just release a few P&S that shoot at 24p but unfortunately they also have slow 3.3-5.6 lenses
Casio EX-H5 does 24p and also has a slow lens.
Personaly I don't think I could live with a ~f3.5-5.6 lens

It seems that there always going to be a compromise.

If I was shooting @24p I would go for the S95 despite the lack of AF and zoom while recording.
Spiros Zaharakis is offline   Reply

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