Interestingly, these opportunistic interviews that can add so much are shots you are more likely to see and get if you aren't nailed down trying to "interview" a large number of people. I really dislike doing interviews en masse. It's a 'great' way to be preoccupied and miss a lot of good shots including 'special' interviews. It's a whole different thing to selectively "interview" guests opportunistically as you move about looking for good shooting opportunities. That is what I was referring to in my opening comment. My opinion remains the same; if you are going to offer guest interviews of a substantial number of guests, you WILL miss a lot of good shots while you are bogged down with that. I believe a separate shooter who is dedicated to shooting the interviews is very important in this situation. If you try to do both, that is a large number of guest interviews as well as the overall coverage of everything that is going on, the quality of your coverage shots will be much less. That's the point that I am trying to make. My point does not conflict with including special interviews that you have the opportunity to include. In fact, my point supports being able to identify and shoot them because you don't have both feet nailed down while you are playing the video equivalent of photo booth.