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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
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Old August 1st, 2005, 10:07 AM   #1
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Wedding Effects

I have some upcoming weddings where the bride wants more unique things done. For example, the old movie effect. I currently use Premiere 6.5 with the matrox parhelia and have been researching the rtx 100 or the rtx 10 tools. Does anyone else use these to accomplish the effects they want and do you recommend them or something else?
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Old August 1st, 2005, 12:27 PM   #2
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Look at the samples from Jonathan Houser on page two of this thread:

Jonathan actually uses an 8mm camera for this "effect". I really like it and am looking at 8mm cameras on eBay!
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Old August 1st, 2005, 03:52 PM   #3
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I used Premiere Pro 1 and then 1.5 with the Matrox RT.X100 card for a year and a half. It has some really nice features, but Matrox's system requirements are very strict. Even if you have a system with hardware and specs approved by Matrox (I did) don't think you are in the clear. I consistently had stability issues with my system and found that I could work faster without the card than with its real time features.

Other users report success using the card, but I wonder about their editing styles and complexity. Simple projects the RT.X100 would usually work fine.

I ended up switching to a Mac and am now using FCP5. I'll sell you my RT.X100!

Best of Luck,

Matt Trubac
TruVision Studios
Phone: (517) 282-2915
Matt Trubac
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Old August 1st, 2005, 07:45 PM   #4
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"I have some upcoming weddings where the bride wants more unique things done. For example, the old movie effect. "

To me this statement is a bit of a contradiction. Not in a negative way, but the fact remains that so many people overuse effects that they miss the point... by the time the presentation is over the effects carry no weight.. or value..

i guess it all comes down to personal style.. but effects shoudl really be used to emphasis a scene, not create the scene.. unless its a deliberate use of the filter...

Premiere is pretty good, as are teh matrox units if configured with the latest drivers.. there ARE many problems, but once u get it going, u wont have any issues.. Vegas is a little more flexible, and Edius is prolly the best of teh bunch when it comes to clip filtering (Vegas still rules when it comes to filter keyframing though)

A trick i do with many presentations is to use the effects people are accustomed to, as you mention old film... however i tweak them in a manner which brings forward the "recognition" of the effect, but add things to the chain to change it in a way where the effect itself is new and original.

At this point in time, from what i have seen in wedding demos here in australia, is that more emphasis has been put on effectsand their use within a edit, moreso than the actual content, or the importance of the actual pace of the cut.

I had one producer tell me that the "soft focus" of the storm fx and RTx were "standard wedding effects" and should be used on every wedding.
I just laughed in his face..

all i can sugest would be that if u choose to use preset filters, do so, but add your own personal touch to them to make them uniquely yours. This way you can demonstrate that you can use this filter, but expand on it as well..
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Old August 1st, 2005, 08:24 PM   #5
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Hi Jennifer,
I use Magic Bullet which has a great assortment of video effects. Also if you want to be different sit down and plan some various shots in which you could use different filters or fades. If yoiu haven't already, you should look into After Effects which I use religiously for outstanding results. I have one scene where the bride blows her fiancee a kiss and her kiss flies through town and ends up in the grooms hand. This is how I change the scene. Use your imagination and anything is possible.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 07:14 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jason Bowers
I have one scene where the bride blows her fiancee a kiss and her kiss flies through town and ends up in the grooms hand. This is how I change the scene.
Could you post a sample of that? I'd love to see it.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 07:41 AM   #7
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As Would I... It sounds interesting.
Matt Trubac
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 08:04 AM   #8
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After Effects

Would After Effects allow me to accomplish just about any of the effects that the rtx tools would? Including color correction, feathered edges, etc? I used After Effects in school but only to blue screen.
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 10:47 AM   #9
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I think you are slightly confusing the RTX100. It has some extra transitions and effects but it's real power is the real-time editing which means you don't have to render certain things. For instance, color correction, if you need to change the contrast or brightness, it's real time no rendering. Now if you want cool effects, then you go to magic bullet or Adobe After Effects or what ever and you will have to render.

If you have more specific questions about the RTX100 let me know.

Michael Dempsey is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 2nd, 2005, 12:08 PM   #10
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Well what I'm trying to figure out is, if I purchase after effects will I be able to do all the basics that rtx can plus more? Or do I have to purchase each one?
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 12:37 PM   #11
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RTX vs After Effects

without the RTX you won't have the basic RT funcationality that the card provides. Alot of the RT effects included with the Matrox are also included with Premiere and/or After Effects but will not be available for RT preview or export. The RTX cards also provide a WYSIWYG output for previewing your work on an NTSC Monitor.
Matt Trubac
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Old August 2nd, 2005, 04:37 PM   #12
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Sorry guys I don't have a copy of that clip anymore. However After Effects allows you to do some great affects above and beyond simple transitions. It is great for motion titles, adding accents, etc. A good site to see after effects in wedding videos is at His work is unique and awsome. I find motivation from him all the time. After Effects can be a great tool if you can fully harness it's capabilities.
Jason Bowers is offline   Reply

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