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Wedding / Event Videography Techniques
Shooting non-repeatable events: weddings, recitals, plays, performances...

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Old September 14th, 2010, 09:06 AM   #1
Major Player
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Midlands UK
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Photographers with a trainee.

I'm use to working with wedding photographers who double up (whatever happened to photographers who were confident enough to work alone), usually one will be the principal who has to get those album shots. I always make a point of speaking with them before we start to assure them that I will not interfere, direct the couple, or get in the way of those shots, all I ask in return is that the other "snapper" remembers that I'm there to do a job so try to be mindful of me when I am filming. For the most part it works out fine.

Recently I've had a few weddings where the the photographer's assistant has been a trainee. I find some of these are a real nuisance. One in particular, a young lad who looked as though he'd just got up after a late night and thrown on a pair of jeans and a crumpled shirt which was hanging out at the back. He took no notice of my request that he allowed me to get some shots and continually either walked alongside those I was filming , walked across in front or stopped exactly where I was to take a shot, hanging on afterwards whilst he check what he'd taken. Walked directly in front and stopped as the bride's car pulled in and in church he stood at the far axis of my shot of the couple so that he was there in the background fiddling with his camera throughout the ceremony.
I spoke with the photographer after the ceremony and he apologised and said he have a word, but it seemed to have no effect. I began to think that this was a deliberate ploy to foul the DVD after the couple went for a walk-about in front of their beautiful venue. I told the 'tog that I want to get some walking shots and I'd be happy to just shoot as he had them walking, he was fine with that so I took a position away from him but as they set off the assistant, shirt still hanging out, walked alongside the couple until he was told to step out which he did directly in to my line of sight and kept walking back and forth across me.

As I was mindful of what was going on I did shoot plenty of varying shots and cut-aways so that I was able to edit myself out of it in a way that has not spoilt the DVD (except for the in-church section).

I have linked all of the cut out shots together on a separate disc so that the couple can see what went on and I am sending it to the photographer and see if I get a response. If not I might put it on a wedding forum with his name as a warning to others.
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Old September 14th, 2010, 02:20 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posts: 588
Happens to me occasionally. I just say confidently within earshot of both photographer and couple, "Excuse me xxx, you are really getting in the way - could you keep behind us please." Repeat for everytime it occurs... calmly, clearly and professionally. They soon get sick of the unwanted attention.
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